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Everything posted by phee

  1. Eeeek, now I have the hic-ups.
  2. Seeing you online.... not to generalized I hope. Q: What do both Alexander the Great and Whinnie the Poo have in common?
  3. Vanilla and Telephone Booth flavored. Q: Who is your favorite manufacturer of scientific calculators?
  4. Needs more Sci Fi schooling Dr. Huer was the super intelligent AI that hung around the neck (kinda like Bling!) of Twikie the short silver Bugs Bunny voiced robot.
  5. To put it simply....yes. Which holiday, that is celebrated in the U.S.A. used to be the Roman Newyear? (Restate last question: What is the difference between an orange?.. not an orange and something else, just the difference between an orange.... open your minds people.)
  6. Message deteled as the last letter was "Y" and Shame begins with "S"...try your call again.
  7. I know what it's like under Bush: Loss of jobs, bigotry, terrorist attacks, wars, censorship, animosity from the international community, etc... As far as Kerry, well it's hard to say, he didn't seem to prject the same arrogence as Bush, but I really have no idea...and given what I know about Bush, my fear of the unknown in Kerry was far smaller than my fear of the know in Bush. And I know that the 9-11ish problems will be far more likely under Bush. And I can't blame the other countries for having a bad view of us either. Q: What will you do now?
  8. Republicans usually seem to have better lawyers and a tendency to be more...let's just say...questionable about there tactics.
  9. Dispair and horror. Q: How do you feel with the knowledge that we are continue on our path of being universally dispised by most of the world?
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