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Everything posted by phee

  1. In answer to when most people ask..... YES IT IS TOO MUCH TO ASK.
  2. Don't look forward or Backward, it is like burning your eyes in the sun.
  3. I had an idea for a sci fi book.... it's the future, and there are lasers....... I know it needs some fleshing out, but it is a good start.
  4. That internet.... sure has stuff on it.
  5. PERFECT DATE MOVIE: Antichrist by Lars von Trier... No other movie creates an atmosphere of romance and and sensuality than this gem.
  6. The ice that I tread upon is thin
  7. I am always surprised that I am remembered.
  8. Interested? Yes.... you appear to live pretty close to me.... although the likelihood of me being able to actually go usually requires the stars to align in a very specific way that is rare. 5 Kids, family with medical issues all make committing to anything.... not so easy.
  9. Every day that moves me a long I am just a little further away... and it is a little harder for me to come back. What I like is not what you like. What I see is not what you see. What I miss is not what you miss. I am okay with there being no answer. Alone is a thing that we have all been since the beginning, we simply enjoy the illusion of companionship until the lie gets to be too much to bear. There was a time when someone tried to prove me wrong, but the fact that I was being honest made that proof impossible. Close but the fact that it was close made it so far away. Close but it would rip itself apart before it would be true. Close but but it was a promise that was broken before it had even been thought of. Life goes on but it really doesn't.
  10. Every day that goes by, I get stranger and harder to relate to.
  11. Nice.... Yeah... it has been a while since I looked into anything local.
  12. It is hard to say.... perhaps more coffee will give an answer
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