(Been a while since we have had one of these started... we will see if this goes anywhere)
Here is how it will work... This is not a request to hear specific songs... there is youtube, lastfm, spotify, etc... for that. This is way to get to know one another by how they interpret the requests.
A person makes a request for a kind of song they are thinking of... For example: "A song that makes you happy, A song that makes you think of science fiction, a song that scares you, a song that makes you horny, etc..." And the next person who posts puts up a song (youtube or just a name or something that can be looked up) that fits the request.
For example if the person before you posts: "Give me your favorite workout song."
A person might post:
But then they would say to the next person: "Post a song you like to listen to that is sad."
So I will make the first request:
Give me a song that makes you miss someone: