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Everything posted by phee

  1. Added more: https://soundcloud.com/user-879917366
  2. I feel that lying down in traffic and taking a nap would be awesome
  3. Yeah that was a bot I think.... I will probably get hacked, beaten and raped if I do that....
  4. You are quite kind Tron, I used to score plays in the area and a few short college films here and there. Got pretty close to doing a feature length at one point (but the director was a bit too stoned to make it happen). Was in a few local bands here and there (one actually released a CD professionally back in 2001). Then life kind of took over (kids, divorce, relationship, remarried, and all the damn $$$ issues) so it kind of slowed. But kept on doing stuff for myself in the meantime (which is what is going up here).
  5. Over the last 25 years, I have done music... Here is some of the stuff I finally posted from the last 20 of those years or so, some more recent than others, and in case it matters I took some pics from my various sketchbooks as well to use as "art"... listen, or don't, if you do, let me know what you think. (None of this is professionally recorded/mixed/mastered, just sort of scrap copies) https://soundcloud.com/user-879917366
  6. My reflection in the mirror was bleeding. So was my past and future.
  7. Her name was Hope, and she was the worst of them by far.
  8. I feel like staring into the sun for hours.
  9. Work coffee is not very good
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