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Everything posted by Trene4000

  1. I find it hilarious that the beer commercials show people doing elaborate dance routines, breathing fire, and celebrating. Yet, the performers can not drink the beers they are advertising while they are making the commercials.
  2. Money cannot buy you happiness. It can only buy you things that make you happy.
  3. Add black stockings, red shorty boots, white arm muffs, and a big red, floppy bow on one side of your head.
  4. I wonder if anyone could pass Tron's posting quantity?
  5. Watching TV and trying not to join the cat in slumber land.😴
  6. I had a dream in which I was sent to talk to someone. The man didn't want to hear what I had to say but I refused to back down. He raised his silver revolver and aimed at my face. I still refused to leave. I stood and waited for him to finish whatever he was running through his head. He tried to stare me down while holding the weapon still aimed at my face. I simply waited. He pulled the trigger. Twice. The bullets stopped in the air as if they slammed into a solid invisible wall. He briefly looked surprised, the people behind him in the area with the giant, satin floor pillows and curtains we're confused and shocked. I reached up and brushed the bullets down out of the air. The man regained his bravado and walked over to the largest pillow in the center of the group which was actually a low seated wooden chair with a gigantic golden, satin seat cushion and sat down. He nods and I walked over and began teaching him the Good News.
  7. I would rather live a wonderful life full of joy believing in CHRIST and find out I was wrong at the end than to live a miserable life without HIM then die and find out JESUS is real.
  8. I never knew toes gained weight. 🤨 Huh...
  9. Oh for goodness sakes Unbelievable
  10. Crazy, educated people sensationalizing the mundane... Strange Evidence.
  11. I am NOT going to lose my home to Chrysler. https://www.autonews.com/manufacturing/fcas-detroit-plant-project-hinges-land-deal
  12. I marvel over the fact that all the sins (wrong doing, bad behavior, foul attitudes, and cruelty) of every person that has ever existed, is existing, and will exist has already been paid for yet, people choose to believe they have done too much to be forgiven and would rather continue to live a lousy, unfulfilled, tragic life feeling alone, helpless, and depressed with temporary bouts of happiness when there is a life that can be lived with unbelievable peace, joy, happiness, strength, and calm. A life where there is no need of drugs or alcohol to numb your senses so you can just make it through one more day, or hour. A life in which one thing is asked of you. Believe. Not in a bunch of rules and regulations nor in giving away all you have, or turning your back on others. Nor does it include becoming a mindless zombie following somebody's twisted idea of purity. All it takes is admitting that YESHUA is the Son of GOD and that HE did die, paying for all your sins, those you had committed, are committing, and will commit, and believe that GOD raised HIM from the dead. You are saved. That's it. No hoops, no special chants, no freaky contracts. You are GOD's Child and HE will take care of you. The only thing you have to do right now is believe it, no matter what you see, hear, or even do. Nothing can take you out of HIS Hands nor cause GOD to stop loving you for GOD is Love. GOD will give you HIS HOLY SPIRIT to help, guide, and strengthen you. You will begin to see life from a different point of view. You can actually choose to be happy. You can enjoy every day regardless of what is going on, plus you have the promise of good for your life. An unbelievable future that is too amazing. Even the bad things that happen end up being good in the end. It's mind boggling! A bad day with GOD is better than your best day without HIM. I know because without HIM, I would be dead. But YAHVEH promised , "with long life will I satisfy him and show him my salvation". So, despite dropping three feet onto a concrete floor, falling down a flight of concrete stairs, supposed to be blind by 10 years old, falling off a six foot brick wall, being run over and dragged by a car, suffering from a violent heat strokes, contracting the flu and pneumonia at the same time, slipping and putting my head through a solid glass window, being the backseat passenger in a small vehicle rear ended by a Dodge Ram truck at 84mph while stopped at a red light, and more, I am still here, upright, walking, talking, singing, seeing, and enjoying my long life in CHRIST. I am still amazed at all that GOD has brought me through and protected me in and delivered me from, even when I stubbornly refused to listen. GOD loves me. I actually am precious to HIM and amazingly HE loves us all equally. No one can ever convince me otherwise.
  13. A boy kept picking on a little girl. He tripped her every time he saw her and pulled her hair. She finally got tired of it and called him a stupid jerk. He laughed and said, "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me". She hit him with a dictionary.
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