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Everything posted by Trene4000

  1. Have you met the new generation of adults?
  2. Trump was driving me nuts with all his Tweets, so much so that I had to block the Tweets coming from the White House. He Tweets every single thing that crosses his mind. Then, to add insult to injury, he and his cronies, that he hasn't betrayed yet, go on television and lie about everything he just Tweeted at 1, 2, and 4 o'clock in the morning calling it "Fake News". Trump needs to be reminded that this country is not a monarchy but a country where the government is of the people, by the people, for the people. He serves us, not the other way around.
  3. I just found out from Lou Ferrigno. I can't believe it! He was only two years older than me! That's way too young!
  4. Ugh!!!! Still washing my eyeballs!!!! I've got to stop reading some of the posts on this site! 😭
  5. Like I need to wash my eyeballs...😩
  6. What am I thinking. No, seriously, I am literally thinking what am I thinking.
  7. Forever Young I dedicated this song to our mother and she loved it. It was the last song I sang to her before she passed. 🌺
  8. My ride will be there, so will I and I am requesting a card please! Thank you.🤗
  9. Two young men were arguing as they walked down the street. A set of identical twins step out of the clothing store in front of them. One of the men points at the twins and shouts, "I told you all Asian people look alike!"
  10. I'm thinking how much I regret voting for Hillary knowing now that she stands for child sacrifice. I was so greatly disappointed. I honestly thought she was so much greater that.
  11. By the way, purple hair, don't think I didn't notice what you did. 😡
  12. Seriously! Who on Earth thought that a kid screaming Pokemon for 30 seconds was a good idea for a commercial?
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