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Everything posted by Trene4000

  1. It's sad how many so-called experts and scientists will cautiously and carefully cultivate the cells of a deadly virus, calling it a Life form and yet, will discard a zygote calling it a lump of flesh.
  2. "Let go of that which you cannot control."
  3. Hoping to be there and I am requesting a card please. 🌹
  4. How on Earth can there be 64 guests online? What in the world are they looking at? Most importantly, why aren't they joining?
  5. Greetings and salutations, all!! I hope to see everyone at The Gathering and I am requesting a card please.
  6. Interesting how the simplest off things can bring the powerful to a complete stop. In 2009, the Large Hadron Collider at CERN had to be turned off because a bird dropped a baguette into it. Ah... technology.
  7. The Mythbusters flubbed up again. They were trying to bust another Breaking Bad explosion. They didn't get the same result, however, the explosive used in the show was crystalized. The explosives expert working the Mythbusters stated he could not make the crystalized version in the makeshift lab they had on the explosives range. Yet they still tested it as if it were the crystalized version, even though it was powder. Throwing a crystal on the floor is completely different than throwing a bag of powder on the floor. Another Mythbusters fail. Apples are not oranges, guys.
  8. Michigan's 40-year-old bottle deposit law could be repealed. Posted: 6:12 AM, Nov 29, 2018 Updated: 12:55 PM, Nov 29, 2018 State Rep. Joe Bellino, of Monroe, has introduced legislation as part of a new plan to provide a boost to community recycling programs. Bellino said that although the bottle bill helped reduce litter in the 1980s and 90s, it's now hurting recycling. At 15 percent, Michigan's residential recycling rate is one of the lowest in the nation. “The bottle bill pulls the two most valuable materials – aluminum and PET plastic – away from community-based recycling systems,” Bellino said. “Rerouting these materials into local recycling programs would provide the boost recyclers need to sustain their programs and expand access to even more communities.” Under the plan, the state's bottle deposit law would end on Dec. 31, 2022. Those who purchase a product with a deposit before that date would have three years to return the container for a refund through the old system. Prior to the repeal, additional money from unclaimed deposits would be directed into local recycling programs. “The bottle deposit system ultimately captures just 2 percent of our waste, but it costs more and generates less revenue than traditional recycling programs,” Bellino said. “It’s time to do away with this outdated program and focus on comprehensive community recycling programs that are better for Michigan families, businesses and our environment.” The Michigan Recycling Partnership estimates that Michigan loses $10-13 million in fraudulent bottle returns every year. story location: https://www.wxyz.com/news/michigan-s-bottle-deposit-law-could-be-repealed 🌹 They don't realize that if they cancel this program, the people who use deposit refunds to supplement their income will have no reason to collect bottles or cans. The cans and bottles will be left behind in parks, streets, grass, yards, and more since there will no longer be any incentive to gather them.🌹
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