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Everything posted by Trene4000

  1. Happiness is never stopping to think if you're happy. - on a bridge in Alaska.
  2. As if they couldn't possibly get any weirder, platypi (the plural of platypus) have no stomachs. Their food goes straight from their esophagus directly into their intestines.
  3. You can't always choose your family but you can choose your friends. Meaning, if your friend is a jerk to you that person is not your friend.
  4. I feel like I'm going crazy! My joints won't stop hurting! I don't know what to do.
  5. Don't think GOD has a sense of humor? Then I have one word for you. Platypus.
  6. In response to two different requests, here are my lists. Original one: http://amzn.com/w/2W5BW4VLR7LDK Shorter one: http://amzn.com/w/11H7OVLYA9HUA
  8. Fool me once Shame on you. Fool me twice I get even.
  9. Dang it! My neck snapped and nearly locked. Now the back and sides of my head are hurting.
  10. How pathetic. The new Kool-Aid is 50% less in sugar so Kool-Aid Man is thinner and dumber. What message are they sending?
  11. Our mother's hair began falling out yesterday. She was so upset. I felt sorry for her. It took several months of treatments but now it's here. I hope she doesn't allow this to drive her into depression. I remember when my hair began falling out due to the injections I had to have in my head. I sobered myself up by saying "it's either my hair or my health". She agreed with me and actually perked up when I told her that. After all the crap I've gone through, I'm glad I am able to help others through theirs.
  12. This is driving me crazy. Every time I get injections in my neck, I am able to move my head more. Unfortunately, my neck cracks more and I end up getting dizzy. I hate it when the dizziness lasts for more than a few seconds. Its annoying. Now my physician believes having an epidural will help control the pain longer but I am concerned about the dizziness and my neck locking again. At least I wouldn't be in pain. One injection that might last for months versus several injections every month. I will just have to get used to the dizziness and stuff. Not exactly a "duh" moment.
  13. I finally kicked that chill. My core is finally warm. I feel much better now.
  14. I am just not in the mood for this crap. Stupid phone. Lame Wi-Fi. Crawling around on the floor trying to find my plug. People making comments as if I was supposed to know what's going on. I'm too tired for all this to make any sense and I am NOT about to rake my brain over the coals trying to figure out if it was an honest remark or pain in the butt sarcasm. I don't need this. I'm going back to bed. Screw it all. The world was doing fine before I got here and it can do without me for an hour. Goodnight!
  15. I can't believe we saw a freaking bald eagle today. It flew right over us. I did not know there were bald eagles in Michigan. Falcons, hawks, and ravens, yes... but not eagles.
  16. :censored: crapping freak in a half ! Those brats have gotten on my last nerve! You couldn't teach them responsibility if you crammed an instruction manual down their throats! Thank the heavens they are NOT mine! Get remarried already and take those little obnoxious snots with you!
  17. Doesn't it drive you crazy when you think you're being clever setting up a security question's answer only to later end up locking yourself out of your own account?
  18. Woman 'Freaks Out' When She Meets Doppelganger For 1st Time In Ireland (ABC News) Two women from Ireland, who are spitting images of each other, freaked out when they came face-to-face for the first time. Through the power of social media, Niamh Geaney, 26, found her doppelganger, Karen Branigan, 29. The two met in-person this past weekend at Geaney’s home in Dublin, which turned out to be only an hour away from Branigan’s place in Drogheda. Benedict Cumberbatch's Doppelganger Is a 16-Year-Old Teen Named Tyler Michell Celeb Doppelgangers: New Fad Sweeps Facebook Man Finds His Doppelganger in 16th Century Italian Painting "I thought I would be fine until I knew I was about 10 minutes away from meeting her,” Geaney told ABC News today. “Then I started to get ridiculously nervous wondering how I would react to meeting someone that looks like me. I would be looking at my own face!” Geaney and Branigan’s meeting was captured on video and uploaded to YouTube. The two can be seen putting on make-up and doing their hair the same way to make themselves look even more alike. "For the entire duration of our encounter, I pretty much stared at her,” Geaney said. “I couldn’t get over her face and some of the expressions she would pull. I would think to myself or aloud, ‘Oh my God, that’s my face.’ I can’t remember the number of times I said, ‘This is so freaky.’ It was truly amazing.” The meeting was the result of “Twin Strangers,” the online social media campaign Geaney and her friends started to try to discover their lookalikes from around the world. Geaney and her pals, Terence Manzanga, 22, and Harry English, 26, challenged each other to see who could find the most convincing doppelganger within a month, she said. The three of them have been using Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, their official site and word-of-mouth to hunt down their lookalikes, Geaney said, adding people can submit themselves or tag friends they think could be doppelgangers. “The power of social media is incredible,” she said, adding submissions are coming in from all over the globe, including the U.S., New Zealand, South Korea, Philippines, India and Israel. So far, Geaney is in the lead, she said. She has the most submissions, and she’s already found and met Branigan, who looks almost identical to her. English and Manzanga have had a few submissions, but none are as close as Geaney and Branigan, they told ABC News today. There are 15 days left in the challenge, and an online vote will decide who wins, they said. “After that, the competition officially finishes, and we will hopefully go and meet our best match in the flesh,” English said, adding he and Manzanga would try to “muster up funds” to travel if their doppelgangers were faraway. “I think we would all love a trip to New York, Paris or The Caribbean to meet our doppelganger!” he said. See Story Here: https://gma.yahoo.com/woman-freaks-she-meets-doppelganger-1st-time-ireland-151207108--abc-news-lifestyle.html
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