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Everything posted by Trene4000

  1. https://youtu.be/3EOAXrTrsOE Plenty of kids grow up wishing to be an astronaut. Floating like a bubble in a vast pit of darkness; the earth below looking like a soccer ball you can kick; giant rockets; the possibility of little green aliens dropping by for coffee and stale Oreos — it’s a highly evocative thought. It’s why many of us ran around the house as a child with a bucket on our heads, breathing deeply as if we were Neil Armstrong himself. But like many awesome careers, achieving that goal arrives with huge sacrifice — like living in space for months on end, away from your family. Stephanie, a 13-year-old astronaut’s daughter from Houston, Texas, who deeply misses her father during his trips to space, wanted to send a message he’d never forget. Her dad, whose name was not released, is spending much of his time aboard the International Space Station. Hyundai had an idea. Using a dry lake as large as a city and some extra spiky tires bolted to 11 of its Genesis sedans, perhaps it would be possible to write a note to her father that is visible from space. “Steph (hearts) You!” was the proposed message and Nevada’s Delamar Dry Lake the location. Watch the video to see the choreographed driving take place, a feat that netted a Guinness World Record for “the largest tire track image.” “He’s seen so many amazing things up there,” Stephanie says, after getting word from her father that not only had he seen the note but even taken a picture of it with his camera. “I hope this was the most special.” Having taken his snap of the city-sized message, her father radioed Earth: “Hi Stephanie, it’s Dad. I just wanted to call to say I love you and thank you.” In my book, that’s better than any surprise alien brunch. :clap: :clap: :thumbsup: :welcome: :thumbup: :clap: :clap: Details On Youtube: Hyundai : A Message to Space Published on Apr 9, 2015 Stephanie from Houston misses her astronaut father working at the International Space Station. Watch how her special message, written by 11 Hyundai Genesis, was delivered to her father in space. This message was officially acknowledged as “The largest tire track image” by the Guinness World Records. Visit our website to find out more about their story : http://www.amessagetospace.com
  2. It's sad seeing how people are constantly declaring they are this or that. I'm this religion or that ethnic group. I'm this type or that. Why can't we just put aside all that hullabaloo, stand up and simply declare "I'm human!"
  3. I don't believe it! I just got invited to a writer's conference in Kauai. I stopped writing because I know whenever I start I won't stop for several days. I don't have time for that right now. I hope that eventually I can resume doing so but for now...
  4. That sucks. You die and your family gets hit with taxes for the things you left to them. Seriously?
  5. This was amazing. A flying tree. The Hughes H-4 Hercules. COLOR FOOTAGE OF HOWARD HUGHES' SPRUCE GOOSE FLIGHT 1947: https://youtu.be/OXZQewzdWzA
  6. You're only 36? Wow! Happy belated birthday! He can kiss your , the ungrateful prude.
  7. Babysitting again. When I was thirteen, I could babysit and held a job. I couldn't see these two doing either without screwing it up or getting too bored to continue. Every time I give them am opportunity to prove themselves trustworthy, they do well for a few hours then get bored and go off to do their own thing, leaving a mess behind while creating an even bigger one. I wish Ms hsf listened to us and didn't spoil them because now we have to correct years of poor behavioral skills. The nine year old is just now starting to do his own homework. Ma has been doing it for him all these years. He failed math and got a D in Social Studies. She was boohooing because of that, thinking it was because no one was helping him with his homework, like I'm chopped liver, right? His homework was the only thing he was getting correct. He was failing all his class assignments and tests. Turns out he's allowing the students around him to distract him. I am not tolerating that as an excuse. The students around me got on my nerves but I still got good grades. Unfortunately, that was during the time when attendance counted for almost half your grade. I turned in all my work with As and a few Bs but graduated with a C. I know he can do better. Even in this lame school. Or he will burn trying.
  8. Why did all of this have to happen at the same time?
  9. Finally feeling better after a stress attack yesterday. I think I can do a few more days of babysitting my mother, niece and nephew. I need to be more careful.
  10. I'm so tired I feel like screaming! These ungrateful brats are getting on my nerves! Why don't they simply do what they are told? We were never this bad. I feel so strained right now I could scream! I am trying not to kick them in the head for being so disobedient but they are making it hard. I tell them to do one thing and they do it until they get bored and decide to do something else. If these are the good kids, I'd hate to actually deal with the bad ones. I am exhausted. The only reason I force myself to keep going is if I didn't, my younger sister would have to take this over as well and she's already overwhelmed. Why doesn't my brother do something with his kids? We shouldn't have to be worn out trying to get them to behave. He should be here, not us. Dang, I'm tired...
  11. Between the kids and Ma, I think I'm going to lose it. She's in too much pain to do much and the two bits are being selfish brats. Ugh. What to do! I could scream. I can't think. I am so glad their dad showed up. He was not happy with them so it wasn't just in my head. Even when given specific instructions, go read a book, the girl couldn't even do that. I'm tired of trying to get them to do their own work while trying to make sure Ma doesn't spend the day in bed. I feel like vomiting.
  12. Here I go again! http://amzn.com/w/11H7OVLYA9HUA HAD to update this. Created a different list.
  13. What is the point of eating a low cholesterol diet if your pain levels are going to drive your LDL numbers off the charts?
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