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Everything posted by Trene4000

  1. I've lost another day! Today is February 1st!
  2. Take a hint, take a hint, bah na nuh na nuh na
  3. Do Tigers Like Catnip?? Do BIG Cats Like Catnip? *PART 2 - The "Science"...
  4. When you encounter a catfish that is over eight feet long and more than five feet around, its time to call it quits. Seriously. Stop fishing. It might eat you. http://youtu.be/mm5ouTyvR34 Jakub Vagner : Fish Warrior full Documentary HD 720
  5. I like oversized t-shirts. Really big ones.
  6. Well, here I go! This is my "revamp myself so that I am never compared to my brother again" resolution. Wish me luck!
  7. Despite all my hard work it seems I am oblivious, smelly, and rude. At least that is what I was just told. I've tried to be a good house guest but apparently I missed something somewhere. I guess I will have to try harder.
  8. I don't like to complain about how much pain I am in when someone else is hurting. It makes it seem like I am trying to prove that I am hurting too. Sounds petty but I encountered a person who tried to prove they were in more pain than I was. I didn't realize that was what she was doing until she said, ":censored: how are you even upright? I couldn't top that if I tried." After she left another patient told me not to worry about her because the lady always tries to get sympathy from other patients by proving how much worse her pain is than others. I never want anyone to think that's what I am doing. Yes,I want help with my pain but No,I don't want it to be what people remember about me.
  9. The original picture posted above I found in EagleRose's gallery. Thank you ER for the pic!
  10. Oh my gosh! I didn't remember creating this post already! Sorry EagleRose!
  11. Sometimes you find a rare jem. Those little specks of wisdom that makes you wonder if that person has a brain and gives you hours of enjoyment and laughter. Well here's the perfect place for them. Just take a snapshot of the wittiness and share it with the world (or at least DGN).
  12. I can't believe how tired I was. I crashed so hard today it was ridiculous. I'm finally awake... I think...
  13. Wow! The international space station is owned by Europe, the United States, Russia, Canada, and Japan! Why on earth would Russia start a war? Especially against a country allied with the US?
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