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Everything posted by Trene4000

  1. I feel so confused right now. My mother came charging over complaining about me always being disrespectful. I have no idea what she meant by that. She's always treated me as if I was rude since I was fifteen years old. I've never understood that. I watched other parents and their children. The parents always encouraged and supported their kids. My mom never did that. She always told me "prove me wrong" whenever it came to me trying to do something. She missed my dance recitals, orchestra performances, she didn't really support me when it came to my business. I felt tossed aside. I don't feel I owe her an apology. I have NEVER treated her with disrespect. I refuse to fall into her belief system. I am very respectful. I love my mother but she can be such a selfish, child-like pain. I guess its because of her upbringing. Southerners raise their children completely differently than we raise child here in the north. Especially their daughters. Back in the 40s, 50s, and 60s, girls were raised to be a certain way. I would probably be more like my aunt if I had been raised during that day and age. She rebelled against the southern ways and came across like a self-righteous princess. No one asks anything from her and ended up taking care of her children whenever she disappeared. I could never do that to my family. I'm struggling to regain my independence. It is so hard with all of my injuries and constant medical appointments. I feel almost useless. I don't need her treating me like this while I'm struggling to relearn how to interact with my cats. I love my family and treat them with what I consider the utmost respect. I want to help. I'm tired of not being able to do as much as I want to. I want to drive my niece to soccer practice. I want to handle my bills. I want to keep track of my own meds without overdosing. I want to be able to talk to my doctors without getting confused. I want to be able to hang out with my mother without her dogs barking causing me to have seizures. I want to be able to sit for hours without my spine slipping and leaving me trapped on the floor. Or watching the meteor shower only to have my neck lock and pain to streak through my legs. Oh well... maybe someday...
  2. This is for all those interesting incidents, signs, or events we encounter everyday. For example, this is an actual posting I found: So feel free to share your experiences here. I realized after the fact the picture is very small. Here's what it says: In the small blue box (which is the message from a different page) (Name blacked out) Jul 21, 2013 | Professional Digital Artist How do I download it? I can't read Chinese/Japanese... -_-||| On the page in question in the big red square is this word. DOWNLOAD With that clarified, you may now share similar instances of amazing obviousness overlooked.
  3. Thinking about the story where a man prayed to GOD to save him from a flood. For those of you who don't know it, here it is: A car drives by and stops outside his house. The driver calls out to the man. "We're leaving before the water gets higher than our ankles. Do you want a ride?" The man shakes his head. "I'm waiting for GOD to save me." He answers. The car drives away. The water rises to knee height. A few minutes later, a man pulling a small skiff with several people on board walked past his house. The man pulling the skiff stops and calls out, "Hey, we're heading for high ground. Do you want to get on board?" The man on the front porch says, "No thank you. I'm waiting for GOD to save me." The man shrugs and continues on. The flood waters reach the man's porch. Two people in a boat paddle up to the man's front porch. "Hey, do you need a ride?" They call out. "No thank you." The man shouts. "I'm waiting for GOD to save me." The people paddle away. An hour later, the water is up to the second floor. The man hears several people calling and goes to the window. There is a partially full powerboat outside the window. The driver says, "If you want to get out of town, we've got plenty of room. Just climb aboard." The man shakes his head. "No thank you, I'm waiting for GOD to save me." The powerboat drives away. Several hours later, the water has gotten so high the man is now sitting on his roof. A helicopter flies overhead and hovers. "Do you need any help!" The pilot calls out. The man shakes his head and shouts back, "No thank you! I'm waiting for GOD to save me!" The helicopter flies away. The waters cover the house and the man dies. In Heaven, the man is confused and asks GOD, "GOD, why didn't you save me?" GOD answers, "I sent you a car, a skiff, a rowboat, a powerboat, and a helicopter. What more did you want me to do?"
  4. From my little sister. She bugged me until I joined.
  5. Its amazing how many people misunderstand how GOD works.
  6. Extracting MMD files for editing.
  7. Torn between watching Robot and Monster or my cat sleep.
  8. We treat amoeba with more respect than unborn children.

  9. Tired of rapping television. Sick of gangsta rap. Fed up with profanity. Bored with constant sex everywhere. What ever happened to good music, entertaining television, and good conversation?
  10. Nothing ever remains the same...

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