I bring the minions only when It is a "take them or you're grounded." thing. Everyone knows my motto. "I do what I want." If a 4 foot nothing parasite dictates my life, I have failed. As I don't fail, there is a work around.
There is no 4 letter word they haven't heard and I am straight with them.
Little man mused aloud today on a film sequence of childbirth.. "I get how they come out.. I get that babies start as eggs..my question is, how do they get in there?" His autistic older sister rolled her eyes. "duh?! When a girl gets old enough, she can grow the baby." Still confused, her brother asked if grown ups had to "swallow them or something?!" Boy is he in for a shock when he gets that mindblowing 'health class'.
He gets and agrees that people love who they do. I feel sorry for the teacher who has to address the concept of LGBTQ relations. My boy will demand answers.