I am vain enough to be quite assured that I am quite accomplished at a number of things, {F you, haters!}. Kat, all you need is to take back your power. That is merely a decision, and watch how quick it changes. All it takes is a change in mindset, Many "Give it to God".. not I. I realize the power in me and in you, if I may be so bold, and you have given yours away more than once. You detail it. Put on something empowering.. I like:
or even:
Not very Goth, but these are my 'roots', and most Goths are intimately acquainted with theirs. (See what I did there?) Don't be sad girly.. get pissed. rawr.. For the last couple of days in my life, I have left a bootprint on the cheek of someone who tried to take advantage of me..again.. oh no dick, never again.