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Maureen Falcon

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Everything posted by Maureen Falcon

  1. I am happy to accept a lower post total.. I really tried.
  2. I wiggled around enough funds to pay my water bill and get heat in the vehicle that takes my minis to school. After Santa robbed me blind to make them smile..and groceries. <Adulting Level: Expert!>
  3. Aren't you going to be gone John? Or will you be back before then.. and how's your tank? " 7:30 Thursday, December 22th "
  4. When my mom got cancer, 1989.. she had every reason to fight. She had children she adored, married to a man who worshipped her, paid off house, so she fought like hell. Took rounds of chemo, got an implant to house a needle for a lifetime without getting necrosis..yada yada. When my grandmother.. who watched my mom's battle, got cancer.. like 1993.. she refused any treatment. She had nothing to fight for, asshole granddaughters (my sis and I) and a son she hadn't talked to for decades. I have a friend, a little older than I, came down cancer..John knows him..he plans to refuse treatment. He's seen how this usually goes, and has no interest but.. he also has no kids, wife, career.. I'm dying, myself. I quit smoking, I pulled back on drinking.. {What killed my folks} Not for me, but for my kids. They didn't ask for that, like my sister and I didn't want it. Sadly (?) I came down with MS. First in my family. I am fighting, for the kids. They need me like I needed my mom, but smoking took precedence. I chose to bring them here, it was my fault. I owe it to them to not check out without a war. I wish for your grandpa the best quality of life possible for as long as he wants it. *hugs* Find peace with it.
  5. And yet and still... Like a grease stain.. nothing can be done, it's obvious and America, as a whole, looks like a f'n pig.
  6. As soon as I can stand, without support, I will be going.. The church has failed me many times and broken every promise but I am better than that. I will be there with bells on the next available service. I obviously have no faith in the sky daddy, but others do, thus, I will keep my promise.
  7. I'm thrilled and amazed that a group like this cares so much for each other
  8. I couldn't believe it either, tbh, but we got it done.:D
  9. We were sooo late!! But I guess we caught the good parts.. I'm nerdy enough that I knew that guy was getting choked out anyway?
  10. If I can make it, I will be there and would like a card, please.
  11. Troy those are the swankiest cards evah! I can't wait to see everyone!
  12. What's that cost? I rarely go to a show. And Card please!
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