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Maureen Falcon

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Everything posted by Maureen Falcon

  1. Maureen Falcon shared a link — feeling annoyed. https://www.quotev.com/quiz/6242427/Which-Charlie-and-the-Chocolate-Factory-Kid-would-be-your-parent/rp5
  2. Maureen Falcon shared a link — feeling annoyed. https://www.quotev.com/quiz/6242427/Which-Charlie-and-the-Chocolate-Factory-Kid-would-be-your-parent/rp5
  3. I am blown away by your dedication despite your difficulties. Troy, this thanksgiving, I'm thankful for -you- and your work for strangers. It's really a wonderful gift you gave me personally, and I will never forget it.
  4. That's what scares me. Even if he lasted a whole term.. Trump 'droppings' will be left al over the country..
  5. Is that a real question? You know we do! Please save #1 card, be there with John
  6. "That's why mean people like me just say it like it is. I have very little in the way of kindness for it's own sake left in me at all. If I say something, like it or not, it is my genuine feelings." If I compliment you. i mean it. You are brave and good and you do smell nice.
  7. That's why mean people like me just say it like it is. I have very little in the way of kindness for it's own sake left in me at all. If I say something, like it or not, it is my genuine feelings.
  8. I'm afraid for my kids and all of their classmates. I'm afraid for all of my 'non-white' and gay friends. I'm afraid for America as a whole at this point. I'm deeply troubled at my future because of how I will end up leaving my babies.
  9. Cool! You probably have one of those fancy phones to show everyone
  10. I saw that! We are losing our art! They are dropping like flies.. I am afraid of a world where talent is Katy Perry and Lady Gaga
  11. I saw something with John.. I said, "Is that a plane?" It was so big and bright, I guessed 'planet?' Moe
  12. I'm sorry everyone, MS took me until almost 9pm. Initially, Tron and Trene.. I have no words. You made my whole week. I am a stranger to expressions like that. You both are way cooler than pop tarts. There is nothing I can do to express how you completely astound me. Secondly, Troy, I would never have met any of these almost -critical- new friends without you. I wish the universe throws you some favors for it and them. Scary, you know I'm still madly in like with you. Dying but Trying, Moe
  13. I got the common: The Psychological Thriller Movie You are the Psychological Thriller, brimming with sickening twists and mind blowing plot. In the majority of this type of film, a serial killer is featured, one that gives the cops a run for their money while rubbing the gruesome details of their victim's murder in the face of the FBI. You almost always have a scene that the audience didn't see coming and contain some key point that makes everyone say, "Oh, my God!" at the end of the movie. While mentally challenging, you also have plenty of blood and guts for the audience to enjoy or be sickened by. Some Psychological Thriller movies would include: Seven, Silence of the Lambs, The Zodiac Killer, etc.
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