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Maureen Falcon

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Everything posted by Maureen Falcon

  1. Too 'happy'? For my dismal self.. but I can see why it would be popula..
  2. I'm new here.. but Gathering Thursday will interfere with Thanksgiving ( Thursday, November 24 ) So I guess I'm asking what is protocol? Just curious, Moe
  3. Discussing my upcoming 'Situationship' with the gentleman so blessed. Like planning a much-needed vacation with option to renew? Y'all gonna meet him..
  4. My son is 9. and daughter 11 with autism. I know my neighbors and everyone "watches" them. Their dad does the school thing because we live too far for walking. I walked a block to school in 1st grade, but I echo the times have changed sentiment.
  5. One way or another, I'll get there! Please save me a card!
  6. I hurt for you, Troy. I lost my mommy and I still cry decades later. I wish I could do something.
  7. I've not been able to work since my mid-20's (42 now).. life took it's toll on me. So I have learned life is too short to worry more than you have to. Love as hard as you can for as long as you can because tomorrow isn't promised and today is only today. If you get a tomorrow, it can be it's own problem.
  8. Been sleeping for 2 days, have a wedding to attend tomorrow.. <sigh>
  9. I hope I helped a tiny bit. You really are one of my favorites.
  10. I read there was a huge outcry that amounted in very little.. my mom checked my candy as a kid mostly for open things
  11. Anton Lavey's wildly unsuccessful music career on Youtube?
  12. Of course I want a card and hoping John or Scary can gimme a lift. Seems it will be John making Moe appear, Thanks, John!!
  13. Troy, is your book bought? I can't find it now that I have cash. If it is? Fab, it's what I wished. I don't have $100.. what is your next wish?
  14. I just fixed mine from last xmas and the kid shopping. I guess I never expected anyone to look? my bad.
  15. Don't care for it at all. Crowds.. ugh and I don't do heights. I wish you abundance and luck so it's an option for you.
  16. I -believe- John is coming, he confirmed time/location with me. No promises, but I tried.
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