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Maureen Falcon

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Everything posted by Maureen Falcon

  1. Thanks for working so hard for us Troy, while you're having your own issues. I couldn't do it.. you are fierce, my friend. *hugs*
  2. I'm on a mission now to get Troy his book. I have to budget with my pills. but it's like $30. He deserves some happy. Can we take up a collection? If not, I understand.
  3. I learned this a.m about my $100 rx, monthly. yay?
  4. Scary's car is still in ICU... fuel pump issues. He'll know more tomorrow. I hope everything works out, as he's my ride also. I hope to see everyone and get a card, but it's up to the mechagicians.. so we obviously didn't make it 7:46pm I'll try harder next week
  5. Scary's car is still in ICU... fuel pump issues. He'll know more tomorrow. I hope everything works out, as he's my ride also. I hope to see everyone and get a card, but it's up to the mechagicians..
  6. Scary and I were wondering if there were tix already bought or if we should get ours for 10/1? We were hoping to nail that down but no one showed Thurs. So let us know please. I just looked and every handicapped seat was taken. Did you get one or am I unable to attend that showtime? Please let me know asap? nvm! I see you grabbed them... sweet! You want cash tomorrow or..?
  7. Scary most likely is bringing me, do save me a card, please?
  8. If scary brings me, I'll be there but I do collect the cards.
  9. Today.. 9/19/2016.. is a bad day. Yesterday was also horrible. Admittedly I'm on the edge of being suicidal but i am forcing myself along because I have kids. I don't know what they'd do and they have no one else. What do you do when you truly don't want to continue living while -on- anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds? living for the kids is going to get old quick.
  10. eat and get dressed for the evening's affairs.
  11. I love Possum Kingdom..one of my fave songs ever.
  12. So.. I ask for Scary and myself, officially.. What time is it then?
  13. I hate having energy that I can do nothing with.. MS sucks.. if I'm up and moving, I still can't walk or do anything. It will get easier, I'm just pouty.
  14. ok, I'm catching up.. tardy to the party, but here yah go.. https://amzn.com/w/32EB3I01LHGDD
  15. NIN - Something I Can Never Have.. diets and all y'know.. ;)
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