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Everything posted by Michael8402

  1. I should get paid by the hour on nights like this. I showed up at 8:30pm for work like I am supposed to for a 9pm closing but they still had customers waiting for orders so I couldn't do any cleaning. While waiting for them to finish, more people showed up and they kept making orders until around 10:30. All of the employees were in such a rush to get out that they just left the place thrashed. I should have been done with all of my cleaning and headed home by midnight but instead I end up rushing everything and not taking any breaks to barely get out the door by 2:30am. Sometimes it sucks getting paid a flat rate by the night.
  2. I am having a very strange bust of energy today. I am still not feeling the best but for some odd reason I am like a humming bird today. Maybe I will be fairly productive today.
  3. Trying to wake up enough to go get brunch.
  4. I actually ranked for once. Yay! Stop spiking my coke to make me post more Tron. lol
  5. I stopped and got McDonald's on my way home from work.
  6. It's just another night of being the only living creature awake in my house.
  7. Well its good you were there than. We all love to see you but your health is more important.
  8. I will admit that I mess with people using my teeth as well. When I worked in kitchens with mainly men I used to make a lot of adult jokes about it as well.
  9. I normally home roll but I am known to buy Mavrick Red 100s from time to time.
  10. It does suck to come home late while Chel is sleeping and I am sure it sucks for her to be getting up and doing stuff while I am sleeping. It is not fun having opposite schedules.
  11. right now I am bored and lonely. I need to find some way to combat this issue. It's been happening way to frequently.
  12. I was terrified before I had it done. I had never had a surgery before and wasn't sure how well I would handle it. I did have PTSD from waking up during the procedure. They actually got 4 teeth out before they noticed I was waking up. I will tell you though, it was worth it with how much better I felt when it was all done.
  13. Sitting in the dark, watching a movie, smoking and drinking my soda. Its boring and lonely. Oh well.
  14. I am beginning to really hate being the only one awake at my house late at night. It sucks working nights alone.
  15. They put me under using injections. They actually had a hard time finding a pulse before the surgery so they kept making jokes about how they had never had to put a vampire under before they weren't sure if they could do it. lol. The sad part is I did actually wake up half way through the procedure so that sucked. I wanted to get implants but they were way to expensive. I can always get them later if the price goes down or I happen to come into money somehow. Not really that worried about it though. I had a friend make me feel better about my teeth by making horrible jokes. My favorite was him saying that he would take me to Canada because we could walk into any bar and every chick would think I was a hockey player so we would drink for free.
  16. Feeling ok but sluggish. I can't decide if I should take a nap or not. I haven't really done anything today so I really don't deserve a nap but not feeling well the past couple days seems to have taken it's toll on me.
  17. Don't ever fell bad about doing what it takes to be healthy. I was in my mid 20's when I had to make the decision about my teeth. Years of fire eating and genetically bad teeth caught up with me. I ended up having 28 teeth removed, all the top, 4 impacted wisdom teeth, and all but the front 8 in the bottom, in one shot just to get it all over with. I was self conscious about it at first because I was afraid of what people would think of me being so young with full dentures. I came to realize that being healthy and not being in pain was worth more than what the few negative people would think. I now joke about it a lot and most people don't even notice that I have missing teeth and fake teeth.
  18. Be careful man. Blood clots are nothing to take lightly. If there is anything we can do to help you, please let us know. I know I can't do much financially speaking but I do have most of my day time free so I can always help with manual labor or emotional support sort of things.
  19. Getting tired but I still am not feeling very well. The stomach pain is down a bit but still not comfortable. I am used to being in pain because of my back but when you suddenly hit a 9 or 10 causing you to black out and wake up in shock, it causes some concern. I would say I have gone down below a 5 now so I am close to what I am used to with my back issues. I am starting to think that my body just hates me and is trying to drive me further insane. I guess it happens to us all at some point in our lives.
  20. I turned the tv on just as it was starting. Real lucking since it was like 2:20ish. Most shows start at the half hour. I always hate missing the first bit or having to sit and wait for shows to start.
  21. Not on purpose. I think someone slipped something in my drink or something. I need that nail polish that changes colors if your drink is spiked. lol
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