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Everything posted by Michael8402

  1. I just wanted to share a picture from last Halloween. I went to a trunk or treat event and they gave the car and I the "Best Group Costume" award.  lol.  I wasn't with a group but the event organizers said that I matched the car so well that they considered it a person. LMAO

    Halloween 2019.jpg

  2. 12:08Pm Who's Online 1 Member, 0 Anonymous, 21 Guests (See full list) Michael8402
  3. Chel and I were planning on having our wedding in September of this year but due to the current crisis we have decided to postpone. I will make sure to post more details when we get things all figured out because I'm sure some of you will want to be there. We are now aiming for August 21 2021. The are talking with the Michigan Steampunk Society about having the ceremony as a Steampunk Flash mob event at the Detroit Zoo. Everyone will be welcome no matter how you decide to dress. We will then have a reception at a hall that is hopefully close to the zoo with a buffet, DJ and open bar if we can arrange it. Chel and I are not the best at planning or organizing events so please be patient and understanding with us as we try to muddle our way through things. If you would like to offer assistance in any way, feel free to contact us. We do love our DGN family even though we don't get a chance to socialize often and we hope to see people join us for our special day when the crisis has calmed down.
  4. Thank you very much. Sorry for the late response. Been in my own little world lately.
  5. I believe there are plans for a meetup at Greenfield Village on Monday as well.
  6. Thanks. I have a few projects planned to get it even nicer. I have the feeling it's going to be a never ending list of projects with it though. lol.
  7. Kind of funny because it's a 1971 classic built to look like a 29. It does make it harder to find certain things for it though because it is sort of a custom built vehicle.
  8. It is definitely a nice day only and very short ride kind of car but I may be able to offer rides from time to time. Sadly it is only has 2 seats but I may be able to find a way to put bucket seats in the front and add a back seat someday.
  9. I've always love classic cars but never had the chance to own one. I bought my first classic yesterday and I can't wait to get to take it to shows and steampunk events. It's a replica of a 1929 Mercedes-Benz Gazelle built on a 1971 VW frame and drive train. It's in excellent shape and is definitely an interesting car to drive.
  10. I am afraid of spiders myself due to being bitten by some pretty nasty ones when I was younger. I did a lot of animal rescue in PA for exotics though and I took in several Tarantulas. I actually found that Pink Toe Tarantulas are a great beginner pet spider and can actually help slightly with overcoming the fear. Although I am still not a fan of spiders, I was actually able to handle the Pink Toes and can now appreciate spiders as long as they aren't surprising me or to close to me. I will admit that I was bitten by a Pink Toe Tarantula once but it was 100% my fault. It didn't hurt and it actually felt like I had received a shot of Novocaine in the bite area. The spider was getting ready to molt, which is a very delicate time for them and handling them can actually kill them during that time, but I was not educated enough to know at the time.
  11. I'm sure there would be other goths as well. I'm trying to talk her into having it at the zoo as well so there would be lot of animals too. lol
  12. So I take it that you are all for attending a Steampunk wedding Tron. lol
  13. Chel and I went to the Detroit Zoo on the 14th for a meetup with the Michigan Steampunk Society and I took the opportunity to surprise her by proposing. As you can tell, she said yes.
  14. Having a smoke and then going to start a slow cooker pot roast.
  15. Just finished a bowl of biscuits and gravy. I like making country sausage gravy. It sticks to your ribs and is awesome comfort food.
  16. Drinking a can of Coca Cola Classic of course.
  17. Nothing yet. I need to see if there is anything good on Sling TV, if not then time to search Netflix.
  18. Feeling good about myself. I have been at the new job on second shift for a month now. I was stopped at the door by the plant supervisor today. The first shift supervisor put in a request to have me transferred to his crew because he is impressed with my work ethic, my extremely low error rate, and how much I have learned in such a short time. They also may train me to be a painter. The shift change would get me more overtime shifts and the painter training would be an extra dollar an hour. Being on first shift also means that higher management will see my quality of work more so better chances to get good reviews and a nicer raise after my 90 days.
  19. Just unwinding after a long shift at work.
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