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Everything posted by Michael8402

  1. It would give me an excuse to go visit my family. Might as well just drive the rest of the way to PA. lol
  2. I am so happy to be getting Monday and Tuesday off from work this week. I barely every get 2 days off let alone 2 days in a row. I am very excited for the amount of nothing I will be achieving on those days. lol
  3. If it is just an issue of picking it up, Home Depot and Lowe's both rent pickup trucks by the hour and I am sure we could figure out a few helpers. I don't have a truck or else I would offer it to you. I do have a load dolly that is available if needed and I am willing to help with I am not working when you need help.
  4. I am actually looking for more of a rugged mobile work computer that can do some light gaming. lol. I found a nice refurbished ToughBook with a Thd and a decent processor. I am seriously thinking about it.
  5. I probably won't notice much of a difference due to my computer sucking so much. I need to invest in a new one.
  6. I miss being myself. I feel like being an adult means that you have to pretend to be someone you aren't for many different reasons. Work is the main reason but then you also have to change to an extent around children or other people who make decisions about your life and finances. It really sucks. I feel that I am almost losing myself because of how many different changes I am forced to make on a regular basis. I miss being able to not care and just be who I want to be.
  7. How late does this event tend to run? I live in Novi and I tend to work until around 11pm. I would really like to attend sometime. I am fairly new to Michigan and don't know many people yet.
  8. I believe that wicca is the closest term to describe the belief structure I was raised with. It is very earth based and focuses on helping others and gaining knowledge. Everything this considered sacred in it's own way and nothing is truly good or evil. The reason for things not being good or evil is because it all depends on perspective. What is good for me may be evil to you and visa versa. Wicca also tends to be very feminist in some ways but also focuses on equality. It is sort of hard to explain one here but it makes sense when you can explain it in person.
  9. I used to listen to this song before I would go out hunting. It would help me keep things in perspective to make sure I wouldn't take a careless shot and was thankful for the animal's sacrifice to the hunt.
  10. I would like to meet and greet people. I moved from central PA back in June and haven't done much other than work. I live in Novi and don't know the area very well.
  11. I am very tired and physically exhausted but my brain doesn't want to shut off. I think I am getting to old for these call into work days that turn into 14 hours of running my butt off. Might not have been so bad if I hadslept more than 3 hours before they called me.
  12. I won't disappear. I may not post very often but that is just because I don't really know what to say. I have started to zone out a lot lately. Kind of sad really.
  13. My family has a very strong Druid heritage. We have traced my family directly back to King Sweeney of North Eastern Ireland. He was the last of the Druid kings who kept the vikings out of Ireland. Due to witch hunts and christian/catholic pressure, beliefs and practices had to be modified and hidden. I grew up going to church being told it was just to be social so that people didn't think we were different. I personally lean towards the more modern Wiccan beliefs. Since I was taught from very old practices though it does tend to make things difficult to go into full detail. Since our beliefs had to be hidden and the fact that the Cults didn't have a written language, everything is passed down by stories and word of mouth. We also make a point of keeping balance in power as far as men and women by the way we teach. Men can only learn the practices from a woman and visa versa.
  14. Just got home from work and showered. It was a long 12 hour day in dish. We had a few catering gigs go out early so I had all the prep dish from that and then over 300 resos for dinner. We closed at 8 but that is a lot of dish for one dish person to wash even with one cook helping to put it away. I think I am ready to curl up in a ball and cry from all the sore muscles now.
  15. I wouldn't mind a job like that. I don't celebrate christmas so it wouldn't bother me in the slightest. It does suck to be alone all night but I know I got used to it pretty quickly.
  16. They said they were coming over and even texted to confirm earlier in the day. Then they just didn't show or let me know they weren't coming. I knew they were working and might run late but I waited until 3am before I gave up and put everything away. I invited my coworkers because I don't get out at all so I haven't had a chance to meet anyone other than coworkers. I would invite people from here over but I am a bit weird about having people to my house before I meet them in person in a public place at least once or twice. I mean I could probably handle one or two people coming over to meet for the first time but if I was to send an invite for dinner I would feel odd not making it an open invite.
  17. I invited a few coworkers over for pot roast last night. I had the food all ready and texted them to confirm that they were coming. No one showed up or texted me. I guess I don't really have any hang out friends here yet. I feel kind of depressed and my self esteem is a bit lowered.
  18. I am feeling tired. I have been working a lot of 10 and 12 hour shifts due to the hectic holiday season. I actually have today off so I am going to make a nice pot roast.
  19. The Novi area doesn't seem to have many strange people. Of course I am kind of strange but not in the creepy way. lol
  20. I had a great start to my day today and it put me in a great mood for the rest of my night at work. My father surprised me by sending me a brand new ARC welder. He also told me that a mask and gloves are on their way as well. He doesn't really know much about tools and I felt like he never really showed an interest in me or things I was interested in as a kid. I couldn't afford the welder but I was trying to save up for it. It's amazing how much people can change and how wonderful it feels when someone does something great for you as a surprise.
  21. I actually just had an amazing moment today to share as well. I have been wanting to start my own business building exotic animal habitats. My main issue is the lack of tools. It is frustrating to have all of these ideas in my head that I just don't have the tools I need to make them come to life. I have gone to the hardware store and priced out what all I need but it is difficult and very deflating since I don't make much money. Well today, as I was getting ready for work, there was a loud bang outside out front door and my dogs started going crazy. I looked out the door and there was a brand new ARC welder sitting on my steps with a FedEx label on it. I have had one on my amazon wishlist for awhile and I was planning on saving up to buy it. I checked the tag and it was addressed to me with no return address. There wasn't even a receipt inside the box. I posted about it on facebook and I sent a text to everyone I thought of who might have known that I was looking for a welder. Several hours later, I got a text back from my father simply saying "the mask and gloves should be there soon. I ordered the good ones." I called him to thank him and he said that he found my wishlist saw the welder. Not knowing much about tools he decided to look them up. He saw how much they normally go for and decided that it was to much to make me save up for one and that the one I had on my list was a really good price. He ordered it and saw that the mask and gloves were suggested so he tagged them on. He explained that he never fully understood my love for exotic animals but he is trying to learn more about them and after seeing how much care they require he thinks that my cage building business is a great idea and he wants to help where he can.
  22. I would like to start by sharing the fact that both of my parents took time from work to help me move from Central PA to Novi Michigan, which is a 6.5 hour drive on a good day. My father drove 4 hours from his house up to my old apartment to help pack and move the first load here after he had already worked a 12 hour day at his job. I had money for gas and tolls but he refused to let me spend a single cent on the trip here and back. My mother and step father helped us on memorial day with the final packing and loading of the moving truck and helped with driving the 3 vehicles here, full of animals, cages, and furniture, and drove me back to PA so I could finish cleaning my old apartment. They also didn't let us spend any money on gas for the trip. This really made an impact on me because it showed that they really did care about my future and supported my decision to move away from the rest of the family and the area I grew up in.
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