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Everything posted by Michael8402

  1. I actually had a police officer tell me that people being unhappy to see him just proves that he is doing a good job. He went on to explain that people are so safe from the random acts of violence and other horrible crime that they don't even have to think about it so they look at police as being annoying. I have always enjoyed doing the "behind the scenes" kind of work. If I do my job right, you don't even know I did anything at all. Maybe that's why I am so good at being a dishwasher. lol. I have owned a lot of different guns and have actually taken the PA State Police training for pistols and sharp shooting. I sold off most of my guns because of the divorce years ago. I miss my Taurus Judge and my 91-30 Mosin Nagant. I actually had someone pull a snub nose 45 and open fire at me in Pittsburgh once and the only thing that saved me was my 9mm Czech Luger. Right now I only have a High Point 40. It's not bad but it is bulky and heavy. A friend gave it to me because he didn't like it so the price was right. I do want to pick up another Taurus Judge and possibly a Medusa M47 someday. Neither one would be a good carry pistol due to size, they would be hard to conceal carry. I may try to find a nice sub compact 45 sub compact as a standard carry weapon. Don't get me wrong. I do not feel that I need a gun. The neighborhood I live in isn't that bad. I have also studied various forms of martial arts and hand to hand weapons training. I also personally do not like violence and try to do everything I possibly can do to avoid it. I am just grew up shooting and was taught proper respect for weapons and enjoy practicing. I also believe that it is better to have a gun and not need it than to not have a gun and need it. Case in point, I have had someone pull a gun and shoot at me while trying to rob me and the only thing that saved me was that I had a gun and was able to use everything I was taught to fire and hit three for three. Sorry for such a long post. I am just a weirdo.
  2. I watch those shows from time to time. I wanted to be a police officer at one point so I studied up on a lot of cases. I never became a cop because of a bad back injury that caused me to become "a liability" even though I passed all of the tests with flying colors. My girlfriend is finishing her degree in Forensic Psychology though so she watches them a lot and asks me a lot about ballistics. I am a bit of a gun nut so I am good with ballistics. lol
  3. The ID channel is Information Discovery. They show a lot of forensic shows, or as I call them Informative murder porn. lol.
  4. Yeah. More specifically, I am a wiccan. I am on facebook as well. Just look up Michael Sweeney and you will find me.
  5. I have to work till close. I will probably get out of work around midnight. I am not very happy about that since I am the only pagan who works there and they know that. I also work 6 days a week and am the only person who does extra work all of the time. Oh well. That's what I get for being a good employee I guess.
  6. Please listen to this song. I hope it helps you as much as it helped me when I was in a bad place. https://youtu.be/_XAyQZSIXkc
  7. Just got home from work a bit ago. Just chilling out in front of the tv for a bit.
  8. Today is my only day off work for this week. I am waiting for my coffee to brew. Then I will drink said coffee, the entire pot is mine because I don't have to share. lol. Then I have to clean my turtles' tank and filter system and tear down a gecko tank that is no longer needed. I don't have anything else planned for the day but I am sure something will need done that I didn't think of.
  9. I have always been a bit of a perv but I hid it for years. I always thought there was something wrong with my horrible sense of humor and I didn't want anyone to know about it. I just sort of don't care anymore. I also think it's really funny to disturb people by saying messed up stuff in a Mickey Mouse voice or Herbert from Family Guy. lol
  10. Oh yeah. I actually did a lot of construction work back home. I worked on farms as well. You would be surprised how interesting someone's sense of humor can be. lol
  11. It was kind of uncomfortable for me. I do not deal well with confrontation.
  12. People who work in kitchens tend to have a very adult sense of humor. It seems to be a good way to deal with the stress. Not that this is always the case but it does seem to happen more frequently than any other occupation I have ever had.
  13. I actually had an incident with a coworker today. He has had a habit of hiding full bus tubs till the end of the night. He brings 4 to 5 overflowing bus tubs of dishes back at the same time as the kitchen is tearing down. This is a major issue since I am the only dishwasher meaning I am also running and stocking dishes as well as doing all the cleaning and trash runs ect. I have talked to the managers about it several times and they have talked to him about it. He was doing it again tonight and I had enough so I went out and grabbed one of the overflowing tubs early while I had a clear station. The coworker came back yelling at me for doing it and I just snapped and started yelling at him to stop arguing and just do his job. He kept yelling at me and insulting me but I stood my ground. I did not insult him other than to say that bring the dishes back is part of his job and he needs to make sure it is done in a timely fashion from now on. It got to the point that I threatened to walk out. The managers heard this and freaked out. They pulled us aside individually to talk. I was told that I was completely correct and that they were happy that I stood up for myself but they don't want me to leave or think about just leaving. I was informed that they are going to institute new rules for front of house staff to make sure that they are showing the dish area respect and that they are actually helping by bringing dishes back in a timely manor and putting dishes away when they have time.
  14. My grandfather used to always say "Clean mind. Clean Body. Take your pick." lol. I have spent the past several years in kitchens so that doesn't help keeping my mind out of the gutter. lol
  15. There are so many inappropriate comments that could be said here but I don't think I will go that route. I do wonder what caused the gross taste. Did you make a horrible decision on a culinary experiment?
  16. I have been feeling a lot like a door mat lately. I am over worked, underpaid and disrespected a lot at work. I applied for a better paying job and I am hopeful. I don't know why I let people walk all over me.
  17. I just got home from work. Just trying to chill out a bit and destress a bit. I applied for a job at the Cheesecake Factory last night. I am hoping they call at some point. I heard they pay dishwashers 14 an hour to start. That would be a big improvement over the 9.50 I am still making now.
  18. Have someone blow smoke into your ears. It sounds strange but it helps.
  19. I really feel that kids now days are way over medicated and misdiagnosed. It's a good idea to look into every medication they were being given and look into what exactly it is for.
  20. It will actually make you sleep longer since you don't drink. You seem to not sleep much so the sleep will probably do you some good.
  21. My family always believed in a version of a Hot Toddy as a cold remedy. Get the biggest mug you have, fill it half way with a dark hot tea, fill the rest with whiskey, and sweeten with lots of honey. Chug that puppy back as fast as you can and bundle up in sweat clothes with a thick blanket. Make sure you have at least 8 hours to sleep. The alcohol will help make you sleep and clear your sinuses. The hot tea and honey help with your throat and help boost your immune system. Bundling up will cause your fever to break, which also helps boost your immune response. You will wake up the next day feeling like a million bucks.
  22. My girlfriend's son is 21. Don't feel old. Age is simply a made up number.
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