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Everything posted by Michael8402

  1. I think I made way to much food. I invited coworkers and my girlfriend's cousin to come over but no one showed up. Oh well. I will enjoy my reminder of where I grew up and think of good times when I had friends who lived near by.
  2. Belgian waffles with mashed potatoes, corn, and home made slow cooked chicken gravy. This is how we do chicken and waffles in Central PA. lol
  3. I have the next 2 days off from work. I am going to make PA style chicken and waffles. I got my gram's chicken gravy recipe, mashed potatoes, corn, and Belgian waffles. Who wants to come? This is what happens when I am thinking of home.
  4. That's the place. On Grand River right by Walmart.
  5. I don't know Corvus well enough to know if he would be interested or not. They tend to yell a lot. I can't handle all the yelling so I told them that I don't want to work the line. They made me a dishwasher since they needed dish people anyway. I work at Steve and Rocky's in Novi if anyone is looking for a job. We do need people for pretty much every position there.
  6. My boss asked me how many friends I have in the area. When I told him I didn't really have any friends here yet he asked me why. I told him that it's because I work almost every night and all weekend and I don't make enough to really be able to go do anything when I am off work. He responded with "You need to get out and make some friends so you can recruit them to work here as well." I don't know how I feel about that. I thought that I had dropped a pretty good hint as to working to much for low pay. lol
  7. This statement just set off all the red flags in my mind. I guess that's what I get for growing up around social workers and crisis counselors. I hope this wasn't intended in a bad way. If there is anything I can do to make you feel better, let me know.
  8. I think I am lost. Why did you think you were bothering anyone or causing any problems? Everything is all good.
  9. I am listening to Irish Pub music on Pandora. I miss singing drinking songs with my family. Irish families pass down a lot of history through songs.
  10. I have rats, snakes, dogs, and a few other reptiles. I am sure they could use some more loving. Feel free to come over and hang out at the zoo. lol
  11. You deserve so much better. I know it is scary but you are a strong person and you will be fine. It may take time but the right person will come along.
  12. I am glad to see that you are finally realizing that you deserve better. Keep strong and take care of number one. You don't need the extra stress and issues that have been put through.
  13. I am happy that I will have 2 days off next week. I only had one day off last week and got 12.5 hours of overtime . The paycheck will be nice.
  14. I am thinking of taking my motorcycle down to check out the Woodward Dream Cruise. I was told that there was stuff going on all week there even though the main cruise is Saturday. Anyone want to meet up there?
  15. Coffee. Lots and lots of coffee.
  16. Just got home from working 2 shifts, open and close, on my day off. Now I am watching Forged in Fire. It was a long day.
  17. I feel like I am stuck in a Kevin Smith movie. I was scheduled to have today as my only day off from work. They asked me to cover a shift this morning and they would have me out by 3. I agreed because I am a nice guy and the extra money always helps. Around 2 today we got a call that the closer is sick and can't come in so they told me that there is no one else who can cover so it's up to me. I am screaming "I'm not even supposed to be here today" in the back of my brain right now. lol
  18. I feel tired and worn out. Tomorrow was supposed to be my only day off this week but I now have to work 9am. No big deal. I do like the overtime pay. They are going to try to get me Wednesday night off now which would be nice. Let me know if anyone wants to meet up somewhere. I don't know anything here in Michigan so I will have to be told where and when to meet.
  19. I wish I could have come but I had to work. I have only been getting one day off a week lately. It has me feeling tired and worn out but at least the overtime pay is nice. I have this Monday off if anyone wants to meet up or something.
  20. I am currently cleaning and taping up all of the cuts and scrapes from my day at work. You have to love how many cuts your hands can acquire in a single busy shift.
  21. I have a few small phobias like spiders and stuff like that. I can fight through the phobias and still do things without any issue. My one major fear is sort of silly. I fear being useless. I have always had this fear. When I am doing dangerous things I try to be as safe as possible so I won't get injured in a major way but I always think to myself that I hope if something goes wrong it will kill me. I have told my family and friends to never have me on life support and I used to have a do not resuscitate order in case something happened. I was raised to judge a person by the pride and quality they put into their work no matter what the job is. I feel that I would be viewed negatively if I was no longer able to work in anyway. (I would like to clarify that doing things around the house is work in my opinion. One of the hardest and most thankless jobs in this modern society is homemaker.)
  22. I was told that I lack confidence and need to be more than just a nice guy. They said that I am the best at the job I am doing but they don't think that I am really ment for that position. I am supposed to push myself harder to learn a skill that will get me through the rest of my life. This was all said in a very forceful way by a person who has a very aggressive personality and also happens to be an owner of the place I work at. I have a few issues with this situation. 1. The reason I don't want to work the position he thinks I am ment for is because I shut down when there is a lot of yelling and aggression around me. I forget everything that I know a just start shaking and just want to curl up in a ball. 2. I have been through college and cosmetology school and I have worked at many different skilled trades but nothing seems to fit for me. Even the carnival performing wasn't a good fit long term. 3. The job I am currently working is so understaffed that it's not funny. There are pretty much only 2 of us that work the position on a regular basis and a girl who has only worked 3 days so far and is only there until her college classes start back up this fall. 4. Everyone else who is working the position they want me in has gone to school for that trade and have spent years developing their skills. Although I have worked in multiple restaurants before, I have a different style of doing things than they do. I never went to school for it and all of my skills are from experience in much smaller businesses that were more of a home style comfort food establishments. I just feel that I am confident as a person and in the job I am currently doing. My issues with aggression are from events in my past that I haven't been able to fully recover from, and I don't know if I really want to. I do subscribe to the theory that I am responsible for how I feel and how I let things affect me so I am the only one to blame for this. When I comes down to it, I think I am a good person and want to always be a good person. I don't know where I want to be in 5 years and I don't know where life will take me. I had plans and aspirations in the past and tried my hardest but failed. I now live day to day and am fine with how things are going at the moment, things could be better but I have been through worse. I think I just need some advice or someone to help me figure out how to keep being a nice guy but still get people to understand that success isn't all about money and fancy things to me. I am successful in my own way. I have friends and family who care for me and an amazing girlfriend who stands beside me through good and bad. That is success. Sorry for the long rant. I just had to get my thoughts out of my head on this issue.
  23. My family ran a non profit that recruited foster families for children in PA. My father used to take me to interviews that involved children already living in the homes. There was a nice farm that we had an interview at but something red flagged the family during the paperwork process. 3 days later the police found the husbands body wrapped up in a rug in the basement with 5 bullet wounds. It seems that the wife sent the kids to school, shot her husband and hid him in the basement, then tried to tell people that he just ran off. Small towns sometimes have some pretty scary people in them.
  24. I happen to have the 27th and 28th off. I am in Novi and don't know the area but I can always look up directions and take the motorcycle for a ride if anyone wants to meet somewhere.
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