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Everything posted by Michael8402

  1. I personally feel that the meaning of life is down to simple experience. Now this is a very simplified explanation and even I can't even fully comprehend how to fully understand or explain it in it's entirety but I can attempt to elaborate Let's use the most commonly supported theory that all of our memories are simply a combination of electrical pulses traveling down different neural pathways causing chemical reactions and even more electrical pulses. Now we know that energy cannot be created or destroyed but can be converted or stored.. So where do these random pulses of energy go after we experience them? I personally feel that they are recycled and stored in a sort of universal data stream that makes up the universe around us. Each pulse may be insignificant as an individual in the grand scheme of things but the pure volume and how they interact causes constant changes. Due to this personal belief, I feel that I must experience as much as possible in the short time I have. One thing is for sure, I will not go to the grave as a beautiful corpse. I will skid in sideways say "That was an amazing ride."
  2. Are these still available? I would put one on my car on 2 on my motorcycle if you have them.
  3. You mean Sweet Nectar of the Gods. lol. Who wants to bring me coffee? Or we could go out for coffee? Oh WTH.... I will just make coffee. lol
  4. I recently moved to Novi from central Pennsylvania. I have been here for a couple of weeks and am in need of employment. I have had a lot of different work experiences so I didn't think it would be this difficult to find a job. I do have a resume if anyone would like to look or share it. I have been dropping my resume and applications off at a lot of local places, mainly restaurants since my last few years have been working in kitchens. I am on facebook as well so feel free to contact me on there as well. You can find me easily by searching Michael Sweeney. My email is michaelsweeney840@yahoo.com. Thank you in advance for any suggestions, help, and best wishes.
  5. Thank you very much. I am looking forward to possibly meeting everyone at events or even for coffee or something.
  6. I know that nobody here knows me or anything but I live in Novi and have a car. If there is every a gathering that I am invited to and able to go, I can offer a ride. If you are really brave I can offer a ride on my motorcycle. lol
  7. I have never even heard of a Steak & Shake. We don't have those in PA. I am still amazed by Coney Islands. lol
  8. I probably should add that the money I made from performing did put me through beauty school. I have also been known to sew my own clothing at times. Talking about style is sort of a long discussion when I am involved. lol
  9. I wouldn't really say I have a style. What I wear depends on the day and what I am doing mixed with different variables that we all face from day to day life. It is true that my wardrobe is black, save a few dress shirts that are purple or grey and I do have tee shirts with graphics or writing but the main color is black. This came about from a mixture of several influences such as my grandfather falling ill and eventually passing, many musical influences, and a general feeling of not fitting in with society where I grew up. I have been known to get "Gothed Out" from time to time if I really want to stand out at a special event of if I just feel artistic that day. My main influence for these nights comes from my youth. My grandfather wanted me to have an extraordinary life so he found people to teach me various forms for performance arts. I started with your basic juggling skills at around 6 but quickly found a love for side shows at carnivals. It was hard to find carnival work that satisfied my desire to shock people so I broadened my bookings to goth group gatherings and other small venue events. By 12 I was almost exclusively booking these evens mainly doing fire eating and escape acts. Although I have since given up performing due to a mixture of liability insurance rates skyrocketing and numerous injuries, I still feel that these experiences played a large part in making me who I am today. I may have nerve damage in my leg and suffer from pain all the time because of past injuries, I am thankful for every moment I had because I know I lived my life to the fullest and shared my passion for the beauty of these strange, almost lost, skills.
  10. I thought I just moved away from Hell. Well at least I will feel at home. lol. Thank you for the hand basket. It will look good in my collection.
  11. I find the gothic subculture is the most excepting. That is sort of why I got into it. It doesn't matter how you dress. Goth is about a state of mind. Seeing beauty in things that most people don't. I believe what we call the original gothic movement was actually started by a group of artists who wanted to highlight the beauty in darker imagery in the late 70's early 80's. People who are drawn to it seem to be very open minded and excepting. They also tend to be fairly well educated and well versed in multiple subjects. This makes a lot of sense when you consider that most people don't want to even think about most of the things that we try to surround ourselves with everyday. It also rather interesting how we seem to celebrate life by surrounding ourselves with reminders of death, we are happy thinking of things that are depressing, and we find comfort in, what some would consider, pain. This is just a generalized observation of course but it makes a lot of sense to me. I myself got into the subculture are a young age. My grandfather was rather eccentric and he wanted me to live an extraordinary life. (I won't go into full details on here but I have some pretty crazy stories from my youth and am happy to share them sometime.) He became ill and I felt lost and forgotten. My parents never seemed to have time for me as a child. I was 14 when my grandfather passed away and the only clothing I wear that isn't black are dress shirts, normally grey or purple, or a uniform if my job requires it. Beyond that I have had more than my fair share of medical issues, mainly due to injuries connected to the interesting stories from my youth. My medical records tend to hold me back from different things in my life because it makes people look at me as a liability. I pride myself in doing things that even doctors say I shouldn't be able to though and I refuse to let them hold me back.
  12. ​You never do see it coming. I know I didn't. You are about to go through a difficult time, I am sorry to say. It will be hard to know who to trust and who not to. You will lose friends and in some really bad situations like I was in you will lose family over it. The main advice I can give you is that find what you love about yourself and never let go of that. Everything else in this world can come and go but you will always have to live with yourself. We don't even know each other but I want you to know that I am here for you. If nothing other than to talk to someone who is completely separated from the situation.
  13. I probably will at some point. Still not used to the roads or the amount of people. I am used to seeing maybe one car a week drive past my house, other than my neighbors. It was even common to have a shooting range in your own back yard. We were on a small plot for the area, only 9 and a half achers, and used to shoot from our back deck to sight in rifles. lol. I have a pistol that I kept but I have to find a shooting range around here that isn't expensive.
  14. I do not watch that show. I was averaging around 90 hours a week working in kitchens back home and then doing exotic animal rescue in my spare time so I have missed a lot of good shows. I am hoping to catch up on some of them now though. I used to tell people that I knew I was home when I heard the banjos playing and saw the PBR cans with bullet holes in them. The sad part is that it is true. lol
  15. I am feeling rather depressed. I guess this is a good group that I can fully express the full reason of my depression so here it goes. I come from a very small community full of farmers and most families, mine included, have lived there for generations. Everybody knows everyone and it's one big good ol' boy gathering. I didn't fit in. Everyone drove big trucks except me, everyone rode a Harley except me, I have a BMW. People would bring their favorite cheap beer to bon fires that I wasn't invited to, plus I hate beer. I tried to make an effort to connect with the people around me. I went hunting and was asked if I was lost. I went to charity motorcycle rides and got made fun or given wrong information about times and places. I even got married to my high school sweet heart and that ended badly. Even through all of that I seemed to find my way. Now I am here in Novi. A new town and a new start with my girlfriend who grew up around here. She is loving it. Connecting with old friends and her family. She even found a job within 3 days of being here. I have nothing but my animals. I sit at home staring at the door with my dogs waiting for her to get home everyday. I know things will turn back around and I just need to keep pushing on but it's hard at times. No friends here, no job yet, no family here. I am just thankful that I found this group. It shows that there are some people who share common interests around here and gives me hope that I can figure it out. I didn't have many friends who truly connected with me back home but they were good friends and we had to have each other's backs because we didn't fit in with anyone there. I miss them terribly but am looking forward to making new friends here.
  16. Current location? Novi Where from? A small town called Centre Hall just outside of State College PA. I refer to it as Pensyltucky Gender? Male Work? Not at the moment. I have only been here about 2 weeks and haven't had very much good luck. I have an extensive resume though. School? Not currently. I was out of high school at 16, graduated beauty school at 17 and did double semesters at college and upset a professor by proving him wrong in a lecture causing me to not get my degree. Kids? No children but I do have several rescue animals, snakes, reptiles, and 2 dogs, from central PA. Married? Divorced Single? I have a girlfriend so I am not single. Hobbies? Many. Cooking, singing, playing guitar, juggling, sewing, cutting hair, building model cars, riding motorcycle. How Did You Find / hear about DGN? Google search of Detroit Gothic night life How did you pick your DGN name? It's just my name Other Stuff? I don't really know what to put in other stuff. I am sort of a complicated person, as are we all, so you will probably have to specify if there is something you are really interested in knowing about me. I do talk a lot though so I may get annoying or drive you insane but I think that makes it more interesting anyway.
  17. We will have to bounce ideas off each other some time. My main influences are Italian, German, and a bit of home style pa dutch. I guess you would say I cook a fusion style. The book I am working on is going to be called "Rustic Flare." The idea is using rusting ingredients in new and interesting ways. There will also be a lot of cast iron and slow cooking.
  18. The last comment was from me. I made a profile now and posted in the welcome section.
  19. I am new to this site and just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Michael. I just moved to Novi, Mi from central PA. The only person I know here is my girlfriend. She grew up in the area and has family here but I don't really know them. I used to help with exotic animal rescue in Pa so I do have some pet snakes and reptiles. I am always up for helping if anyone has questions or needs help with exotic pets. I am also experienced as a cook and am working on my own cook book so it would be nice to make friends who would be willing to help with recipe ideas or as taste testers. I used to live a fairly exciting life but have calmed down considerably over the years. My friends used to refer to me as "Grunge Goth" because I am sort of a mix of several different sub cultures. I am on facebook so feel free to look me up or contact me if you want. I use my full name, Michael Sweeney, and my picture is blurry but it is me juggling fire. I hope to hear from some cool and interesting people on here.
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