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Everything posted by Stu

  1. Just a quick note to wish everyone the happiest of whatever holidays you're celebrating today! I miss all of your faces!
  2. That's easy for YOU to say! I'll just add: <Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap....!> Okay, here we go, 1, 2, 3, 4.... "Happy Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday YOU! Happy Birthday Trene, From your ol' buddy, Stu!" And Moe, too - WHOO HOO!!! Hope it ROCKS like no Birthday has rocked before!
  3. Sounds like a real moron! Don't let one idjit sour you on everyone. Sometimes what's going on with someone isn't about you, you just happen to be in range. Miss you n' Trene!
  4. Heart crushing. Huggz!
  5. Oooh! Did they sing "Walking In L.A." for you? 😄 Srsly... way to go, Tron! ❤️
  6. Wow, the benefactor to MST3K fans everywhere - we owe him a great debt! The Stu flag flies at half-staff. :(
  7. We think/speak of you often. Miss you like crazy. You KNOW she would welcome you any time! Saw this topic pop up and my first thought was the Red Apple... back before they closed early... with Angie (?) and her big smile... and, of course, Troy.
  8. Sure will! And you're welcome to drop by and give her one yourself anytime! We're both missin' yer face.
  9. And...your friends are nice enough not to point and laugh when you totally forget the words to songs you've known for years! <lurk mode re-enabled>
  10. Having a fear instinct isn't the same as knowing of or contemplating death. Yes, some higher animals, like elephants, seem to grasp the idea, but my bet is that they're in the minority. I have a theory on animal intelligence. I think that the more intelligent a creature is, the more delicious it is. That's why pork is so damned tasty! 😄
  11. I'm around n' lurking. Just busy taking care of Moe and stamping out wrong on the Internet.
  12. It all depends. I've always envied the animals. They don't know anything about death; they just live until they can't anymore. That's my plan. As the old, OLD song goes, "I'm happy to live 'til I die." Of course, all of that changes if I get "the diagnosis."
  13. I'm a Trek head; the original series. I've also watched most of Strange New Worlds multiple times.
  14. I should be so lucky as to fill the room! Fingers crossed. But you're my crew. You stay put!
  15. For the past eight years, I've constantly been asked how I dropped and kept off 95 lbs - roughly 1/3rd of my body. On Friday, October 13th, I tell all! Whether you have a lot of extra pounds or just a couple you'd like to shed, this is how it's done. Logan's Roadhouse in Roseville, 6:30 PM. https://facebook.com/events/s/no-fail-weight-loss-seminar/327905049799211/?mibextid=Gg3lNB
  16. That would be awesome! Imma hafta come up with something cool to put ON the TV! 😄
  17. @Scary Guy That is precisely how I did it! I'll be at Logan's in Roseville on 10/13 giving a presentation on everything that I did, the rationale behind it and how it simply is impossible to fail. It's free to attend, aside from buying food at Logan's. Space is limited to the capacity of the room (I think about 30-35?).
  18. Thanks, you guyz! Appreciate the good thoughts. Yeah...lots going on, but always have time for my DGN fam!
  19. Aw, ain't that special? I've got yer old right here! 😄
  20. Do not blame science for people abusing it. That's like making a label, "computerism" for people who use computers to commit fraud/hacks, etc., and blaming the entirety of computers and I.T. culture. Fallacious logic. Science has two very clear, well-established meanings: 1. Science is a method by which we learn about the world/universe we live in. It isn't MEANT to be applied on an everyday basis by laypeople; do not confuse it with basic logic and reasoning skills. The scientific method has a very well-defined series of steps to make new deductions from evidence, experiments and observations. 2. Science is the collected body of knowledge: the sum of everything we know. So, when you see the statement, "unknown to modern science," it means that it has never been documented or vetted by the scientific method. It is outside of our knowledge. Of course, this doesn't remain the case forever. Science is dynamic. Science, therefore, cannot be "inferior" to everyday critical thinking, but it CAN inform it. If you have access to knowledge that science has gleaned, then you can use it to sift through the malarchy which we're exposed to on a daily basis. Science has NOTHING to do with a lack of ethics, corporate greed or political disinformation. Distortion is antithetical to science.
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