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Oz_ last won the day on April 7 2019

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About Oz_

  • Birthday 10/09/1978

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    Detroit Area
  • Referred To DGN By:
    Troy Crayson

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  1. Extreme short notice, I know, but we do intend to be there tonight. Not worried about a card, if you got extra we'll take one.
  2. Will not be there. Will try to make the next one. Sorry didn't say anything until now. I've been battling depression something fierce lately. I've been told not to over-apologize so I'll leave it at the one there.
  3. I ate a tab and a half of acid last night. Took about 3.5 hours to "peak". Didn't really get any visuals though I think my vision was actually blurrier. Noticeable body buzz. Wound up watching videos on YouTube all night, almost all of which were animated stories of actual table-top roleplaying sessions. If that's your bag do a search for Puffin Forest and Dingo Doodles, I've subscribed to both. Gave me something to giggle at all night. Didn't feel that I could match motor function to cognitive ability enough to play a video game. Found myself having to make the extra effort to actually move my hands to do the thing I was thinking of doing. Started coming down about two hours before I needed to drive my wife to work. Was awake and hungry so I nuked a hot pocket for a quick breakfast/dinner/whatever before we had to go. On the way back, I started looking around at neighborhoods I'm driving past and remembering how I felt a year or so ago when I worked in cable and had to be in backyards working around this time of day, and realized how much I don't miss having to do that, and started singing a silly song about it. No rhyme, no measure, just cheerfully listing things I no longer have to deal with that I don't miss at all. It was kinda fun. Stopped midway and said "Why am I not recording this?" because I felt it was one of those peeks into my life that most people never get to see because I'm never that open around people so why not catch it for posterity? It's up on facebook now but depending on reactions and whether I turtle back up again I could pull it back down again. Exercise in breaking mental boundaries I guess. Finally got to bed around 8am, woke up feeling pretty good. I think I might have had a good dream, but I forgot all but half a scene from it. Those are usually the best kind.
  4. On second thought, it's looking like we may not. See y'all when we can.
  5. Will be there, would like card. Should be at the next one, too, but will be abstaining on the 25th for religious observances.
  6. serves me right for not refreshing the page before posting it. Looks like you're already aware.
  7. Just found out about this! If we plan our outing to be in the summer, this event should still be going on! https://www.thehenryford.org/current-events/calendar/star-trek-exploring-new-worlds/?fbclid=IwAR3OTNVhEcXXS7pFIavbecxwL3FFZfeo9GXkV3BrdzFsJs1l9xXz8W1FWwI
  8. Jena and I are definitely interested in going to this with you lot. I will endeavor to check up on this thread and with you in person in an effort to remain apprised of the situation and it's tentative dates.
  9. o ok I'm high. I remembered something red and flowy to it.
  10. your outfits are always awesome. I could tell you went for a more party-ish vibe with the rainbow legwarmers. I was referring to the dress/shirt ensemble at top, was that not what CJ was wearing? Seems she decided to go with it after all.
  11. Maybe I should do one. I really hate what my voice sounds like when recorded, but if you guys have the guts to do it, I would be remiss not to.
  12. How'd y'all like my top hat? I think the beard sets it off well...
  13. Just got home from hanging out with y'all doing karaoke and introducing Brian to some of my favorite songs from when I was his age 'bout to pack a bowl and get my smoke on.
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