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Everything posted by HailZero

  1. Currently sitting in my bedroom listening to this. I have not been able to stop playing it, going on a week now. There's just something so pure about it to me. Very melancholy, I hear the longing in his voice. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0TsSfSdpSQ
  2. I did actually see that. Planning on showing up thank you for the warm welcome!
  3. Hello all, I joined in here because I'm looking for some like minded people to befriend in the area. I'm quite a lonely guy and I'm sick of it. I live in Waterford, been here since my birth back in '96. I'm a dude. I work at an aircraft tooling shop as a laser Metrologist. Definitely not my permanent career though. (I hope not) I actually attended CCS in Detroit for 2 years for game design but it didn't take long for me to realize I didn't want to continue it. Don't have any kids and don't really ever want to. Marriage is on my bucket list for sure. Kinda difficult to find the right one though. Bah, I'm still young. I'm single and looking for my vampiress to cuddle me for all eternity. I enjoy music quite a bit, particularly metal. I'm into Thrash, Black, Death, some of the heavier subgenres. Industrial is great too. If you're familiar with Opeth, they are basically my soul converted to audio which is pretty cool. I kinda just found this site on my own, and I am hoping it was a good move. My screen name is HailZero because I recently realized that I'm constantly worrying about making my life positive when it's been going negatively, and when things are more positive, I'm just worried about it being negative again. So in order to let go and relax, I have chosen to be content with something right in the middle of positive and negative: nothingness, zero, neutral. Talk to me. I'm headed home from work, about to have a few brews and just hang in my bedroom. I'd love to have some healthy conversation with somebody. Reaching out with endless Love to all souls, broken or whole. I don't bite. Hard. <3
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