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Everything posted by firekitten15

  1. Listening to music, searching through scholarships, trying not to be to anxious about a job interview tomorrow, watching kids bake in a championship. There's so many little kids doing different artistic things.
  2. Kinda feeling like staying awake for the rest of the night...
  3. I love when people are upset, inanimate objects are suddenly judged on the their level of intelligence. Walking into a table and calling it stupid as if it could've been smart enough to get out of your way.πŸ™„
  4. I published a song on StarMaker, check out my singing now! https://m.starmakerstudios.com/d/playrecording?app=sm&from_user_id=3096224747152824&is_convert=true&recordingId=3096224750268137&share_type=copyLink
  5. I gave up lol, noodles are way better to focus on
  6. She held on as long as she could, until she just couldn't anymore
  7. Post songs I covered from the Starmaker app instead of working. Yea, that sounds about right.
  8. Sad? Lonely? Burned from hot noodles that only looked like they were cooled off? Feeling like procrastination is the only way to go about living at the moment?? Happy??? Idk man...
  9. Thanks to the song i'm listening to...Angels drunk on rose water is a thought i'm trying to see.
  10. ...When was this seen?? I didn't post that here, are you on the app? I was so unprepared for that to be the answer to my question XD. That's pretty cool though, had fun making it.
  11. aheheh...well, you see. I had a blast, I did. but uhm, eehhh?? I will, i will, I want to, just...not at this point in time lol!
  12. Hey! im the first message on the second page! Hehehehehehe
  13. Sorry, sorry, I can give it up lol. I'm done now XD, onto scholarships!
  14. well...They have Utada Hikaru and different Babymetal songs...along with a couple anime openings. Would that be enough? XD
  15. @kat Let's chant her in! Do it, do it, do it
  16. Freedom Writers is such a great movie, forever in my top 5
  17. Cats are cuter.... forever on the kitty side
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