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Everything posted by NocteSpiritus

  1. I have a crochet facebook page. I've got pictures of what I've made up there. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100087998469564
  2. Thinking of making a tattoo appointment soon. Think I have enough for the last two to finish up the half sleeve or start on another one.
  3. Like I need a vacation, but I don't have the time for it.
  4. Where did the day go? Granted I slept a few hours due to a migraine, but still. Where'd it go? It's one of those chill fall days that one can take the day to relax.
  5. One of those old wife's tales apparently.
  6. That was an episode of Rugrats when Chucky ate a watermelon seedy and Angelica convinced the babies that would happen. Think they pulled a Magic School Bus to get the seed out.
  7. Relaxing. Weather/barometric change over night brought on a migraine. I woke before actually getting the headache. Was able to feed the cats and take a pain med plus daily meds before laying down and sleep for a couple hours. It's gonna be a relative chill day. Was planning on making shortbread cookies, but that can wait until next week.
  8. Go get dishes cleaned and cook food for tomorrow.
  9. Settling in from work and eating. Way too much drama.
  10. That sucks, it really does. It's probably one reason why I'm not management. I'm not sure if I even have what's 'looked for' to qualify to be management.
  11. Though the brain's wanting to rewatch Moon Knight for a ... total times of three watches. Two re-watches.
  12. Working my way through Supernatural atm. Mostly at work.
  13. Thinking of reactivating my factor account for some different for food. Think ... what's that company where they send you the meals you do all the prep and cooking? Like that but the food's already prepped and cooked, you just warm it up.
  14. And crocheting hats for the yearly drive for the homeless that a doggy day care does in December.
  15. Washing the bedding after washing cotton shirts, which are hanging to dry. Watching Gen V, a "The Boys" spin off. Cleaned the bathroom.
  16. Do I make an amazon and raycon order (and what earbud from raycon) this week? Or do one this week and the other next week?
  17. Settling in and eating after my running around. Did the complaint at HR and I may have to wait until Monday or Tuesday to see if anything's gonna be done given it's Friday. I hope something's done about the coworker.
  18. Also debating between two different earbuds to replace my current ones. One earbud now doesn't work and the charging case for a while didn't hold a charge. It's between the everyday earbuds and the fitness earbuds through raycon.
  19. Eat something quick before going out real quick to make a complaint about a coworker at hr and maybe shop before a phone call before 10. Or wait until after the phone call to head out.
  20. Thanks. Got to Belle Tire today and they were able to patch it.
  21. Settling in from a stressful evening. Low tire pressure (see "Thinking, cont."), stressed from trying to deal with that, small amount in the gas tank, and seeing the sister in the hospital. Sister's fine. Body hadn't quite recovered from when we all had covid and has that and pnuemonia.
  22. How quickly I can get to Belle Tire tomorrow. I got (according to the assistant gm at pep boys) a staple in a tire. So I gotta see if it can be pulled/patched or if I'm out a (relatively new, since Feb) tire. If not Belle Tire, Pep Boys.
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