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Everything posted by NocteSpiritus

  1. Made the UPS run, now debating if I wanna make the amazon order.
  2. That's what I should do. Maybe focus on one room at a time (save for one) and see what happens.
  3. Run up to the ups store to make an amazon return. I'm wanting to digitize all my hi8 video tapes I've had since 2004/2005, but got the wrong usb cord that connects to the laptop.
  4. Settling in for the day. Spent the day at the local Relay for Life event, then a (couple) trips to Lowes for edging and top soil for a flower bed. May need a bit more soil; but I may order that from a yard instead of getting more bags. Not sure yet. And will be doing last month's budget soon enough. Cas is chilling in the window.
  5. I think I woke up to a minor migraine; like that post headache you have after the main course. May have been from what I ate for 'dinner' last night.
  6. Chilling for a moment before going off for job orientation, then if I'm able to, change my badge to the new job. Gotta get the badge done sooner rather than later. Afterwards, some game videos to fix up a playlist on youtube. I've been (trying) getting into gamer youtube. Not doing well enough on that the past few months.
  7. Settling in from work; last day in retail. I was half ready to snap on someone, but hey, I didn't.
  8. Should be out changing over my badge for work so I can start working in the dining aspect of the company next week.
  9. It goes. I'm heading back into the food service next week; number one reason I'm leaving the retail job is management. Not them as people; them as actual management. They all need to go back and learn how to be managers in management 101.
  10. Settling in from the work day. One more day in retail.
  11. Getting ready to head out to work. It's early to leave the house, but I'd rather go now and deal with TSA and chill for an hour than sit until 11:30 and deal with the depression of dealing yet again with management.
  12. Understandable. Take your time. Go find the restroom for a moment for a quick recharge.
  13. Relaxing after chauffering around and before the dinner tonight.
  14. Accomplished ... a little. Got the final episode of the first of four anthology games put out by Don't Nod and Square Enix finally recorded. The rest of the game has already been uploded to youtube; along with the "Before the Storm" game within the same anthology.
  15. I need to try and get my current lawnmower going even if just once. It didn't wanna start this time around despite starting the past couple of years.
  16. I'm of two minds on this. 1. I understand why he did what he did. At least I hope I do. And yeah, he just wanted it to end even with what he got for help. Yet despite all of this, if you don't care of yourself, it's not going to get better and/or level out. 2. I do feel in some sense that it was selfish that he did it. Another thing is even with the negative stigma on mental health, it's even worse for men because society tells that men are supposed to suppress their feelings. So, maybe even if you're getting help, you're not fulling acknowledging your feelings. I have depression (and undiagonised adhd, besides the point), and know I should reach out to others. I just don't want to burden anyone with what's going on in my head because I know they've got their own lives going on. There's something (think there were tests) that proved that for some people, sitting and just listening to the rain helps them relax. For me, I've been doing the best I can since my dad passed (lung cancer spread to his brain). And despite all that I've done, I still feel like I'm behind on everything. I'll probably add more after some sleep.
  17. It was a different discord server. And it's understandable that you took care of yourself.
  18. I let Stu know yesterday via facebook. I found out via discord. There's a few of us that knew Troy and were collectively told.
  19. Sorry, Kat. I walked in from work about an hour ago.
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