So stressed from this week's events.
Time line is that:
Saturday, the youngest sister (I live with) went into urgent care and was diagnosed with RSV; was given amoxcillin. Was alert, conscious, and talking Sat when I got home.
Sunday, she was alert, conscious, and talking when I got home around 10pm. Over night she got worse.
Monday, is what I woke up to. Her breathing was labored and wheezing. Cold to the touch with a temperature of 94/95 (between two temp checks) and was essentially shutting down. I was in communication with a friend who helped and they called emergency. They came, carried her out and took her to the nearest hospital. Was put on sedation and intubated.
Tuesday, she got better for a while, and was off sedation. Alert and communicating. She got worse.
Wednesay, stable.
Today was the first time I've been able to get there due to work. She's able to breath partially on her own and on the vent. The medicals had attempted to remove sedation, yet she fights/gets agitated. And today I discovered a scab/sore on Gabe's neck. This is after him being a bit more cuddly/clingy on Wednesday. There is little right now I can do other than keep it cleaned until I can get into a vet.