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Everything posted by NocteSpiritus

  1. lol I'm not one for taking pictures of myself in general, I'll put it that way.
  2. Don't know. I'm not one for selfies and the like.
  3. Somewhat accomplished in signing up for things. That's the easy part. The real challenge is the actual doing part.
  4. Part one is done in changing diet/life style. Keto plan is done. Now to get a gym bag and pack it for the gym. That'll need to wait for a few days.
  5. Waiting for a package to arrive that may get here tomorrow.
  6. No. I'm a bit (a bit? yes, hush) stubborn in that. If I am to do this, I do all the financials (between PF and whatever keto deal is choosen) myself.
  7. I'm trying to be positive with it since I've tried and failed many times in the past. And the site is cheap with the plans. 3 months: $11 6 months: $7.66 12 months: $5.50
  8. I have no/little issue with finding the food. It's trying to have time in my day/week to prep/cook the food due to working in Ann Arbor in a bar kitchen on campus. I am hoping now that the football season is done and we're going into the slow part of the year, I have time to prep/cook food.
  9. I do plan on doing PF (there's a few in my area of Inkster). And I found a site that does a keto diet plan based on your selections. If anything, I can do gym first then keto since it's all money and I have none.
  10. Hoping that I have enough money this check to have enough to get things for my sister's present (me and a friend are going half on getting her things for a switch) and start a gym membership and attempting a keto diet thing from a website.
  11. Thursday/payday needs to hurry up. Two more days for paying for parking (current job had lost what little parking we had some time before my return), so now parking at the structure nearby.
  12. I'm fine with the metformin (diarrhea at the beginning) but other than that I think I'm good. Maybe sugar cravings I need to ignore.
  13. No, another brand I can't remember. i started seeing an endo because my ob/gyn wasn't liking the (still) high testosterone after a year. Currently on a pill for insulin resistance and proscribed (not taking) a pill to help with the weight loss. That pill has side effects I'm not comfortable with (dizziness) when I drive and work in a bar kitchen around machines/knives and could lose a finger.
  14. I have PCOS (and all related issues). So yeah, ovarian cysts. And yeah, it is a big thing. I dropped near 50 pounds in just over a year with BC and no change in diet. I may make the attempt to diet change to help with the insulin resistance.
  15. I know the feeling in slowly losing weight; ovarian cysts here as well.
  16. I had an amazing time. It's gonna take me time to process the whole experience.
  17. How quickly can I save up for my next SPN convention and which one can I get to? I'm ready for my next one.
  18. Sitting in the New Orleans airport for a flight home and suffering from post convention depression. It's a odd feeling where, despite having the weekend being non stop go, you're relaxed and enjoying yourself and being among family you've chosen and not wanting to go home. Pictures will be posted at some point.
  19. Double checking to make sure I have everything packed before flying out early Thursday morning.
  20. And it'll be the first time I've flown since 2007. And to a new city.
  21. How broke I'm gonna be after I get back into town after my trip this weekend. Providing I test negative for Covid. It's for an event that understandably got cancelled last year. Like, I'm so close to my trip I can see it and the test is the one thing that'll stop it all if I test positive. Which I shouldn't. Sure, I could have been asymptomatic. Yes, I could still carry it. Yes, I'm fully vaccinated. It's just the anxiety grating on my nerves with the possible 'What ifs'.
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