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Everything posted by NocteSpiritus

  1. If I wanna make this Amazon order or wait until next week payday. I wanna run out tomorrow for a few more shirts to wear to work under my work shirts.
  2. Oh lol How much influence do you need, love?
  3. Knowing Jared, he prolly would have if given the chance.
  4. Of course; just because one person had to ruin it for everyone. "Thanks, Diane." (Dashes off to find that youtube clip)
  5. Might as well start stocking up now before that happens. Same with e 6000 plus and all other 'super' glues.
  6. It's the McDonald's coffee incident all over again.
  7. Right? Like you knew it was that type of glue, so why use it? Now you've gone viral for the wrong reason.
  8. I get using hair glue for extensions. But not gorilla glue.
  9. And this is why we have warnings all over the place. Because people don't thing. And like seriously? It's glue. It's not suppose to go in hair.
  10. Honestly thought the Super Bowl was last week.
  11. Yeah, they cancelled the actual crowd drawing parades/festivities. Nothing's gonna really stop the fun. It just changed.
  12. I do have one booked for Janrary of next year (yes, you read that right). But that's downtown, yet there's a sheriff's department over by Eloise that'll be easier to get to. i'll try and do research today about that and call tomorrow either before work or on break.
  13. One would think with the cold snap, that exceptions would have been made to move that meeting inside until it passes. Or move it onto Zoom. As an option. And yes, it is his own choice to either keep using or get clean. My sister finally got clean after all this time, but it took several bouts of going through rehab that didn't work and finally a non-denominational church program that actually stuck with her.
  14. "What Happened to Scientology's leader's Wife" on youtube (channel name is Top5).
  15. I get it having experienced it with my sister for the better part of 10 or so years. There's been a few times she's OD'd and was brought back. I hadn't wanted anything to do with her after a few years; but still had to deal with the drama because my father was trying to help her. If it helps, and I know you wanna help him (some want it, some don't). But at some point you're gonna need to pull yourself from the situation and be like 'I'm done' and do what you need to to walk away.
  16. How soon I can make my appointment to get my cpl license. Took the class today and passed.
  17. How to write this email to my job's HR about transferring units. For some reason (unknown to me), they're blocking the transfer to my original unit. It has been suggested (which I did today) that I file a grievous against management with my union, but that seems to not be a good route. I have given examples with both managers, and it had been pointed out (after the initial start of the topic) that the GM could use things against me as well. Still going with the email. Issues: 1. Being talked to like I'm not an adult 2. Head chef talking to me like I don't know what I'm doing in a kitchen. (IE, I was bringing stock up for our cook yesterday when I needed a cart for my own stock run. Chef says "that goes in the freezer' me "i know, I'm taking it up for cook.' Chef says something akin to he thought it was traveling around.) 3. GM talking rudely to me. (most recent is when one of our utilities (closes 3 days outta the week) was off on vacation. I was covering his shifts and I was looking for a cart. Seen a loaded cart in the two seconds I stopped to talk with a cashier. GM comes up and rudely asks 'what are you doing?" M: Looking for a cart GM: Use that one. The same one I had seen and had no issue taking care of items.) 4. Happened today with the closing manager today pawning off dealing with the grab and go stuff on me when it's always been management's thing. I've had no issue helping if a manager's doing it, but I've never done the whole 'count, pull, label, stock' thing.
  18. Working on crocheting a baby blanket. Trying to keep myself focused on one thing.
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