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Everything posted by NocteSpiritus

  1. I had the idea in my head to create a character, through the input of those who are on here, and follow the storyline of that character. If there's enough interest, I'll make another post with something like 'pick a number between 1 and x' and whatever those choices are would be what the character looks like within a chosen playable species between the eight different classes.
  2. It's fine. I think, to solve it, I think, in the long run, to remove the discord server. Doesn't mean I won't open one in the future if there's an interest in it.
  3. Don't think there's another spot for this, but here it is. I know it was mentioned before and took it upon myself to start a discord server for DGN. Below is the invite to the server. I can easily set it up (and you can go into your user settings to set up) voice and video. I can do a quick walk through of that if there's enough interest in doing that. https://discord.gg/hbesvN
  4. Did I not do Saturday? Then it's day 13 and 8 of no work and being indoors. Slowly getting bored even with all that I have to do in the house. Would take a walk tomorrow just to get out, but the temp's supposed to drop again. Still working on the novel and hats.
  5. Sister's been binging The Walking Dead since season 1 ... yesterday. Season 3 now.
  6. Been off since the 17th (restaurant closed the 16th). With luck, I might go back somewhere around April 13th.
  7. Spend 180 (before any tax/fees) on the all access option for Masterclass or 150 (roughly after taxes) for clothing for the zoo wedding. While still keeping some to pay a couple bills before hopefully unemployment comes in.
  8. It maybe difficult because of that; but the clan are (generally) able to do things on their own. You gotta take care of yourself before others. Selfish? Maybe.
  9. There's nothing wrong in taking a day to take care of yourself.
  10. Day 11 of no work and 6 of being indoors. Day counts are a rough estimate. Movie night last night and today with Ralph Wrecks the Internet last night, and Zombieland: Double Tap and Defective Pikachu today. Watching the Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem, and Madness on Netflix. Still waiting on my saber from the site I ordered; they're back logged due to media (Rise of Skywalker, The Mandalorian), some parts being shipped from out the country. Others who's ordered waited 8-10 weeks for theirs. Been working on crocheting hats for the usual holiday drive for the homeless at the end of the year. Yes, I do plan on washing any hats I make during this time. Still working on trying to plot out the original novel, and getting ideas for subplots for it. One day it'll be published.
  11. Been trying to figure out how to plot out the novel for a small part of the day.
  12. Day ... 10? of no work and 5 of staying indoors. Windows have finally been opened to get some fresh air into the house. Not feeling feverish or anything of the sort, so my guess is just seasonal allergies. Gonna make tonight a movie night with the sister (who's out getting the necessary supplies for it. Popcorn, snacks, pop), with a pizza in the oven. With it raining/drizzling outside, it's actually a decent time to stay in and enjoy it.
  13. I was aiming to get into Fords before the whole thing took a swan dive. I could take a job in fast food since they're "essential" and I got experience, but still hoping this is temporary.
  14. Day ... 7? 8? of no work, and 3 of staying indoors. Still sane, though I now wonder if I caught it. Hope not because I don't feel like dealing with the health system right now. Will do the best I can to take care of myself through the ordeal.
  15. For us it was close the 16th (restaurant/bar closure day) and open the 30th; then push back to April 13th. Now the shelter in place. And this is the one time that both my sisters have jobs now and I don't; through little fault of my own.
  16. No problem. And thanks. Providing I can get some money rolling back in since I got laid off (hopefully temporary).
  17. That's a bummer, but you two aren't alone in postponing weddings. I can officiate if you don't have one already. Looks through Amazon for fitting clothing Or accessories at the least. Any excuse to visit the zoo. 😄
  18. Day 6 of no work, 1.9 of staying indoors. The middle sister and nephew's been taken back to Pontiac by the younger; during this time while sitting at the laptop, I spot a white movement outside the window. Full grown pit, sweet thing had gotten out. Came up to me after sitting down (rule #1 is to allow the animal to come to you). So, took it upon myself to walk the neighborhood to see who's missing a dog. Had a few at the cross road looking for the dog before the owner showed up. Learned that Whitmer has extended the closure of restaurants/bars until April 13th; fast food places still remain open as drive through only. Which pushes back the time I and my work family can return to work; really hoping that air travel will pick up more by then. Hate having gotten a job and vowed to work there for a year, then have a pandemic virus close it down.
  19. I need to look for a job, even if its temporary. Whitmer extended the closure for restaurants/bars til April 13.
  20. Day ... (counts back) five of no work, day one of actually staying indoors. Someone come help. The middle sister's over for the weekend (with the nephew), and it's been what they want half the day. Yeah, shoulda been staying in since day one after work closed, but had to do some running around (one day to HR to turn the badge in and grocery shopping, another to do some "shopping" at HR for foods that'd go bad and actual grocery shopping). Been flipping between playing video games and plotting out my novel during all the running around I've done. Wonder how much more I could do over the next week. Maybe a video of something; I don't know. **This is partly happening to hopefully get people to chuckle and to actually let out some steam so I don't go crazy with cabin fever.
  21. Mark plays Crowley, Tahmoh plays Gadreel (when Sam's not possessed by him).
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