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Everything posted by NocteSpiritus

  1. I like the concept of it, and would like to find pictures of said dwellings before they were converted into businesses or demo'ed.
  2. Not the same building as Aut Bar, but same style building in Braun Court; just for reference.
  3. It is in Ann Arbor (right across from the Farmer's Market). Below are a couple more pictures; unfortunately I don't have any of the second floor. And the videos I have are of the only drag show I saw when I first started working there as a dishwasher. 1. Lower level/first floor is more of a dining area with a bar (to the left in picture) and a kitchen behind the wall/bar. 2. Side of Aut Bar and a vacant building to the right. There's a back door on the left (where the picture is shot). This is more of a length shot of the buildings; if I'm to guess no longer than 25-40 feet from far corner to the corner a foot behind the picture. 3. (from Mlive) is the upstairs. The stairs are behind the picture, facing the bar. To the right (out of picture) would be the restroom and a space where the pool table's at where I imagine the bedrooms would be; if not further in. Keep in mind that the building Aut Bar is in has an extra 2 feet added to it in the back. So where I'm standing in pictures 1 and 2, the building would not be there or I would be up against the wall.
  4. I don't know why I couldn't find the actual picture I saved to the computer to attach, but hopefully this way will work.
  5. Finally done with my three day work period. Time to rest my hip that got injured a couple years ago. Story time: The job I had at the time was in an 100 year old house (see below), and I was going down the wet stairs into the basement (this was in Jan 2017). Either I missed a step or slipped, or something. Either way, missed a step, pulled the (already broken prior to my arrival that day) railing out of the wall and landed hard on my left hip. Got a nasty bruise from my butt cheek around to my upper thigh. Needless to say, I know I need to get it checked out. I plan on calling my pcp for 1. new patient appointment 2. see what's causing my hoarse voice (and follow up from the bronchitis) 3. the hip. Yes I know there's an actual name for this styled house, no I can't remember it. It's the style where the main floor is where the family would entertain (with the kitchen being on that level as well), and the second floor would be the family's private area with bedrooms/bathroom; and basement being obvious.
  6. Trying to get into the head space of writing. It's not working after a near 10 and a half hour work shift. #norestforthewicked
  7. I'm gonna try and make it after my nano write in event (Allen Park, Fairlane Green) if I leave there early enough.
  8. Watching Last Jedi and attempting some novel writing for November's national novel writing month.
  9. Last Read: Five Dark Fates Currently Reading: The Shadowglass and Rebel Born (Ebook I read when I duck off to the bathroom at work) Up Next: Timeless (A Drizzt book) After That: Tess of the Road All these are books that I have read or will read while on the toilet. Only time it seems that I read. lol πŸ˜…
  10. Then, The Mandolarian (on Disney plus). Now, Remember the Titans.
  11. Listening to Dry Bar Comedy on facebook (lucky me caught the beginning of a live feed) and trying to get back into the head space of writing.
  12. Watching netflix and still trying to get into the head space of writing.
  13. I wanna do a friends-giving at my place after Thanksgiving.
  14. Trying to get back into the head space of writing. Took the few minutes to do some things to my finance excel document (more to procrastinate on writing, but still important).
  15. I might pop in after my write in, but it'll be short since the write in is from 7-9pm.
  16. Mix of mini reeses and cookies and cream chunks
  17. I'm good at managing my money, just don't expect the higher costs of repairs.
  18. I've got bills, not the expensive diet. The car repairs is what is gonna hurt for a minute since I still have rent to pay to my mom; which isn't as bad as one might think.
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