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Everything posted by NocteSpiritus

  1. Watching a top 5 video on youtube while procrastinating on writing
  2. Cleaning or something. Still most of the mess is the sister's (hoarder like tendencies, but she's working on it). Maybe writing. Writing seems like a good idea.
  3. I can definitely look into it and get when I can.
  4. Had to push (with some help) a 2.8 ton F150 through a crowded parking garage, so I think I can relate. Still, that's not good.
  5. Sore. Standing for some 6 hours today and actually doing work (yet another "soft" opening before the wall comes down). Knee's sore (years of dislocating the knee cap I'm thinking). And I think my sciatic nerve is knotted in a way if I move in a way it pulls.
  6. If me and the sister can get the house cleaned up and organized inside and out, if anyone would be interested in a bonfire style get together.
  7. Trying to find one video on youtube so I can take a clip out of it to toss into the vlog since the youtube video uses the same idea in the vlog clip.
  8. Like when I ask the sister to be home by 9 (works til 730, which gives time for travel and a short time to do what she wants), I'm completely ignored. With dad back in the hospital (infected sore on his left leg), I'm basically "on call" for him while (aside from her one thing yesterday) the sister decides to go off and do what she wants. Asked her to be home by 9 or she gets locked out and she replies with I'm not the boss and I don't get to lock her out. So, while she gets to go off and does whatever, it leaves me here at home to mind the house, feed the dog, and be on call for dad. All while working as well and trying to do my writing stuff. Work still isn't actually open, and I'm probably looking at another 4 hours of "work" tomorrow; putting me at about 24/25 hours for this pay week. It should be closer to 40 hours, but we're not open. I should apply to Shipt again.
  9. Like I should be sad; my uncle just called to inform my dad (who's up at the hospital, by the sister's there) that their mom had passed away. I'm sure it'll hit in the next few days unless I just compartmentalize it.
  10. These 12 hours without eating is not gonna cut it. First yesterday (ate around 8 am and no break). And today. Granted I had to take dad into the hospital, but still. 12 hours without eating anything more than a few Milky Way snack bars.
  11. So many videos to make into a vlog, it'll take two of those just to catch up. And I think I need a nap. After the demon leaves. Idk why she thought it was ok she stayed here until she got picked up.
  12. Ouch. Feet are protesting for being on them for near my whole shift (without break). We had our soft open today, and it was ... work. I should find/buy a bandanna for work.
  13. Chilling, trying to keep cool now after work.
  14. Prices now stand: 23.75 for members and 28 for non members. With my membership, I'm sure the nonmember price will go down. Prices will increase June 17th.
  15. Bed. Sleep sounds good. Gotta try and shift my schedule around enough for work this week. With luck I won't get stuck being closing past the one day this week.
  16. A bump to see if there's an interest in doing the Salute to America event. Even I will have to pay for the ticket. I'm wanting to see if there's anyone who's wanting to try and make a day/evening out of this and go do it. The DSO will be there. Can always do an afternoon at the village, maybe a dinner/something to eat at the Eagle Tavern (a stage coach stop) or at the cafe, and pick a spot for the fireworks. I can make room in my car's trunk and bring a wagon for anything we bright for snacks/waters/chairs.
  17. Doing a vlog video, since I haven't done that in three weeks (hopefully I have enough video for another one or two after that), writing, or just doing nothing.
  18. How to get back into the "working mode" now that I've been "off" for the past week or two. And to start putting some A/D on the minor sun burns I got. They'll tan in days; thanks to the round of genetics I got compared to the sisters (who just burn like the Irish in 'em).
  19. I plan on being there. All depends on how work goes (yea 9-5 shifts. lol) Card if possible please. Thank you.
  20. Why I was signed out of my accounts on my laptop when I got on it today.
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