A bit tired, excited, and a 'how the hell' moment. Tired from training, excited since we're supposed to (finally) be getting in and getting everything ready for opening, and 'how the hell am I gonna get up at 3 to be there by 5'.
Times to be at work starting tomorrow:
Friday: 12 noon
Sat: 8 am (so a 6 am alarm)
Sun: Off (volunteer hours)
Mon: 7am - 12 noon (so a 5 am alarm)
Tues: 5 am - 2 pm (so a 3 am alarm)
All the alarms are set 2 hours ahead so I have time to wake, get ready/out the door, travel time to the employee lot/shuttle to the terminal, and a mild sprint to the venue. We do have a 10 minute grace period before we start getting points.