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Everything posted by NocteSpiritus

  1. Like I actually did something today. Other than sit around at work (got there early two hours early; which I partially blame the schedule times before today) and got paid an hour for it; did 'full lawn service' at the house. Mow, trim work (which could be better, but it'll do), and blew the cuttings back onto the lawn.
  2. Like I gave myself a migraine with the double chocolate ice cream. But it's dealable since I can take a couple pills/smoke something to help.
  3. I should be going to bed to be up by 5/530 am.
  4. I want food. But I also don't wanna get up. A nap sounds nice, but it'll mess up my sleep later. Movie? I wanna go see Endgame again. Looks back over all that. ADHD? Or just random thoughts?
  5. If I should attempt to get myself to bed now or in a few.
  6. This week's video with last week's Gathering. I'll work on next week's whenever I can.
  7. Like it's not past 6 pm. Seriously, where did the day go? Granted most of mine was spent at the airport, and I don't have to be back there til at least 1130ish tomorrow (12 noon).
  8. Waiting on my culturefly box to be delivered. I can bring it to show Bobbie and Troy since I mentioned a Walking Dead themed box a couple weeks to them.
  9. Better than expected. Hoping to get to actual working this weekend.
  10. A bit tired, excited, and a 'how the hell' moment. Tired from training, excited since we're supposed to (finally) be getting in and getting everything ready for opening, and 'how the hell am I gonna get up at 3 to be there by 5'. Times to be at work starting tomorrow: Friday: 12 noon Sat: 8 am (so a 6 am alarm) Sun: Off (volunteer hours) Mon: 7am - 12 noon (so a 5 am alarm) Tues: 5 am - 2 pm (so a 3 am alarm) All the alarms are set 2 hours ahead so I have time to wake, get ready/out the door, travel time to the employee lot/shuttle to the terminal, and a mild sprint to the venue. We do have a 10 minute grace period before we start getting points.
  11. Stupid hellhound (it's what I call my depression). /hugs
  12. Think, with a mix of mundane things and quick spell work, kept the JW's away from the house. Mundane was making it look like no one was home (truck was gone already, just turning the tv off). Craft work was lighting my sage smudge bundle and putting a quick spell on the door to ward off unwanted persons coming up to the door.
  13. Whole new appreciation for those in the movie/tv industry who work editing. The work to take several video files of raw footage and trim it down to a semi cohesive video hopefully under ten minutes takes time. The amount of time and effort to make a roughly 45 minute tv episode (time of actual show compared to commercial time) or a 2ish movie (average could be 1 hr 30 minutes to 2 hours depending on movie) is even more daunting. And takes more time and effort even with multiple takes and angles.
  14. Getting around to making this week's vlog. Providing the program doesn't crash several times, the video will be up sometime today.
  15. eating breakfast pizza and listening to a video of five different USA horror stories.
  16. Might settle in for the night even when I 'don't work' tomorrow. Still trying to keep a semi regular schedule here. Maybe get my butt outta bed and go walk or something.
  17. Different from the click bates of youtube, the rabbit holes are those videos where you start on one video (may have been searched or one that just popped up on your home feed), click on the next interesting video, and so on until you realize you're on a video so far gone of the original video. What this can be is, what video were you on when you realized you fell down the youtube rabbit hole? This is the full show of Heilung. There is a full list break down here.
  18. Horrible. Spent more than expected on food I didn't need (pop and chocolate), and now uber broke. And who knows when pay from work is gonna get in due to 'difficulties on pay roll's end'. Like I seriously need that money here. I don't want to have gone through all the security stuff for the badge, and all the time spent for orientation and "training" (we have yet to actually be trained due to the health inspector not signing off the entire place to us). I had a call from another place that I turned down for the airport job, believing that one would work better. I could've been working and getting money. Another's outta gas and groceries; and they're not running back and forth on a maybe (know this through the group text).
  19. Sent an email before bed and got one telling where to meet up. There for a couple hours (KM/chef told us it's his way to force the company to pay us), had lunch at the Mac, then home. Now to run out for caffeine or not.
  20. Either trying to get into the mode of writing, editing this week's vlog entry (which is gonna be a day behind, but who's tracking that really?), or entertaining the thought of going to sleep for work tomorrow. Yay work!
  21. Not sure if I'm actually ready for actually being at the restaurant tomorrow for actual training. Reading the email I shoulda checked hours ago (pertaining to the final inspection due to happen at 1:30), it's unsure where we're gonna be training at.
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