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Everything posted by NocteSpiritus

  1. Pretty sure I got a head cold from having the fan on and window open the past few night. Slight fever and barely runny nose.
  2. Glad it's my Friday. Got some plans for the weekend.
  3. Yes, I've met the boy on numerous times at the Gathering. Do I want him to succeed? Yes, absolutely. Does he need a wake up call? Yes. Should it be a harsh wake up call? In my opinion, yes. He's been, as Tron put it, living in his own show and it's been easy going in his view. He's going off to college, time for some steps back. Start cutting off certain things. Financial funds (emergencies not counted here) once a month. Be like "this is enough money for rent, utilies, and food/going out" if you spend it all that first weekend. SOL. That's all me though.
  4. Debating on ordering a small chainsaw from lowes to help with the jungle that's behind the garage. It doesn't ned to be big or expensive (or gas powered) and a hedger to help tame the grapevines growing in the back fence as well. Maybe just the chainsaw. I got manual clippers.
  5. Time to sit back with some popcorn and watch the show with the boy?
  6. I remember seeing a meme with "All in the Family" and a couple over tv shows from that era saying basically that (claiming with the shows) are the reason they weren't easily triggered. I have to try and find it. I find that meme funny in the way that those shows were around during segreation. So, the meme was not true at all. If you were/are "offended" by a black person touching something, then yes, you were/are triggered. /endrant
  7. Same with the 'not as expected'. I planned on doing a relatively deep clean of the bedroom, yet played cheuffeur to the sister and helped set up an event at the church she's apart of. Hopefully I'll get to the bedroom next Friday.
  8. It's not all built up, yet there's some game play on it. I'm working through the Life is Strange games now (current one is Life is Strange 2). Next will be "True Colors" before working on Jedi Order Survivor.
  9. Yeah. It's not much, I started it ... last year April ish.
  10. Video editing. Been lacking in building up my gaming youtube channel. Been playing through games I've played through before. I have Jedi Order Survivor on queue to play through. Will take suggestions.
  11. While It's stil a few months out, what to do for my birthday. I work the day of. My off days before fall on Thanksgiving. Which starts the holiday rush of gift buying.
  12. Hopeful. I should be getting the last of my insurance cards and I can start the process of seeing if my current doctors take the new insurance. Or find new doctors that will take the new insurance.
  13. Getting my health insurance card so I can start getting things going again so I can get my medications and therapy going again. I got guilt in having to cancel my therapy and dr's appointment on the fourth.
  14. This technically counts for yesterday, I got complimented by a manager at work for the hard work I did. Long story short, our walk in cooler (I work at a restaurant) lost its cooling portion of the refridgeration system. And the GM had been told mulitple times by three people (that I know of) and the internal temperature had gotten up to 60 degrees. So we lost all the meat we did ... Tuesday. GM yesterday claimed no one told her. So we had to do what we could to replace all the meat we lost. At first, when the manager started the compliment, I thought I was in trouble. It tended to happen in the past; start with a good thing to ease into the bad.
  15. Finished what could be lunch after scrubbing the floor around the stove, cleaned out a relatively unused kitchen cabinent (now being used for housing cleaning chemicals), and washed the dishes that were in said cabinent. Still not really done with the kitchen, but a couple steps have been made.
  16. Somewhat accomplished. Made what can be dinner for the next few days. Now to get that motivation to clean the house in the next couple days.
  17. Relaxing a little after work and a food pantry pick up. Watching Good Omens 2. Should be cleaning a little.
  18. I got my dental and vision insurance cards. Now I'm waiting on my health insurance card so I can get my medical insurance and doctors/therapy appointments going again.
  19. I know it's the end of the day, yet here we are on international cat day.
  20. I agree that once they start learning about biology (for me it was about 6th grade), it should start there (or a year or two earlier depending on the child) about the different genders and sexualities. This ties into that different cultures have different genders (example would be Indigieous peoples having Two Spirits. The equvality of being trans.) And same with firearms. Teach early, saying basically it's a dangerous weapon and work your way up from there as they get older. Take them to a gun range when they're old enough. And that's my point with outing the kids, maybe not as obvious. Those that are on welfare and don't wanna work are lazy. I have to agree with that. It just makes the system difficult and harder to get that help for those who need it.
  21. This as well. I know teachers/school officials are mandated reporters. Yet I see that as if the children are in danger at the house.
  22. To add, to the Florida bit, it "should" be parents/guardians/trusted people to the kids. The way I see it, teachers and other school officials can be vague like answering why Timmy has two moms/dads. That being the simple example as there's many other scenerios.
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