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Everything posted by NocteSpiritus

  1. Yeah, that particular meme is the "Brace yourself" meme. Usually seen as above with Sean Bean with "Brace yourself" "(insert something here) is/are coming".
  2. See, not all my reactions are Supernatural based. There's Game of Thrones. Doctor Who. ... Crap, I know there's more geek stuff there somewhere.
  3. Still working on that drabble. And uploading a video to youtube.
  4. No problem. Figured I'd beat Tron at posting them for once. 😁 I can make that picture the one I use when posting the welcome questions.
  5. If I should start posting the videos I upload to youtube of my SW:TOR game play here. And if I should start streaming the game play as well.
  6. I should take a shower, but I wanna get some writing done.
  7. Greetings and may I officially Welcome you to DGN! Please feel free to browse the forum and join in on any topics that you may find of interest you. However, should you find yourself in need of any assistance, please do not hesitate to let us know. And...per tradition: *drum roll* Quote The DGN (welcome) Questions 2.1 ™ © Formerly the "S.D.G.N.W.Q.P.S." The Standard Detroit Gothic . Net Welcome Questions Polls and Suggestions 1.7b Feel free to ignore anything you feel uncomfortable sharing, don't have the energy for or have covered already. We are just friendly, if a bit nosey. And we ask these same questions fairly often as you may have noticed. Current location? Where from? Gender? Work? School? Kids? Married? Single? Hobbies? How Did You Find / hear about DGN? How did you pick your DGN name? Other Stuff? Additional ideas / questions: Add yourself to the DGN member map! If you live close enough, are old enough (18+ for City Club) and/or are ever in town you may want to check out: "DGN Night" Or you can find out about other events near your area with the The Events Calender Some folk also enjoy our random pot of: Quizzes & Polls ! How did you hear about DGN? Poll And we can always use help finding new friendly people. Help us out and drag em on over! If you have a website / personal journal link to us!
  8. Writing a drabble out that ties with Ties in Blood. Then maybe posting them all on here.
  9. Posting some of the drabbles (think short scenes from stories) that tie into the "Ties in Blood" work.
  10. It is. I did it last year and took a ton of pictures and video. I plan on doing the same this year.
  11. Trying to get into the writing mode while watching The Toe Bro.
  12. Getting all the game play captures edited together so they'd be ready to be uploaded to youtube. Current video in edit is chapter 7; currently playing chapter 9 out of 16 chapters.
  13. Why can't it be easy to get something quickly? All I need is some foam clay I can use on a pool noodle for a cosplay piece.
  14. That's good; sucks you had that contract. And yeah, find another place.
  15. Either putting job apps on line or out to Aldi and putting an app in there.
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