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Everything posted by NocteSpiritus

  1. Same here. I actually have no problem with seeing stuff like what's on Toe Bro.
  2. Trying to knock out another chapter in the SPN fic.
  3. Bar Rescue on Spike/Paramount until Supernatural comes on TNT
  4. 😄 I do plan on doing the next expansions after Shadow of Revan (I missed recording all the flash points at the beginning). In fact ... *dashes off to upload a new video* It is. And I'm serious about doing a day trip for us all.
  5. Being sitting here trying to think of something ... profound, but nothing came to mind. Take care of yourself, don't worry about the little things. The fact that you're still here and keep fighting is good. The hellhound's gonna pop up from time to time (I'm proof of that), you just need to fight back. Remember that you got people here who love you and wanna see you around more. Always Keep Fighting.
  6. That anyone who's interested in it should plan a day to go the Henry Ford Musuem/Factory Tour. I have a membership, so there'll be small discounts on tickets and food.
  7. Crocheting granny squares and watching Walking Dead.
  8. Got the three videos for my SW:TOR Rishi play through queued up to upload to Youtube.
  9. Why I can't get my writer's switch into the 'ON' position. I got a SPN fanfic and an original works open that I can't focus on. Maybe getting the videos of my SW:TOR made up and posted will get me to focus on something else.
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iexNBftepj4 3rd vlog/video. Henry Ford Museum/Factory Tour
  11. Time to break out the shorts in the day, sweats and a hoodie at night. 😄
  12. What to eat for a midnight snack before going to bed. And that I wanna do another fan fiction based on How to Train Your Dragon: Hidden World.
  13. Listening to a Captain Marvel review and working on a video for my SW:TOR (Star Wars: The Old Republic) Agent game play on Rishi. After that will be Yavin 4.
  14. https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/H19520E1F0XK?ref_=wl_share Removed a few things and added a few.
  15. Dr. Pimple Popper only because it's on in the background.
  16. Why do people have the need to degrade others who post fan fiction? Because those people are apparently are tired of seeing yet another original female character that's a representation of the author have a bond with a show character.
  17. Trying to finish a chapter of the fanfiction before going to mess with the game footage and up loading it to youtube. That or focus on the original work.
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