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Everything posted by NocteSpiritus

  1. Have you thought about asking about what's going on instead of sitting around complaining about 'not being told' or that 'everyone's on other social media'? Maybe try talking with those 'in charge' as it were. Those official DGN people, and work with them in working on making an official events?
  2. There could be members that aren't comfortable in giving out their location, even if it's a general one. It is a good idea, maybe the "bothered to put themselves" bit seems to be a bit ... something. Like you're not liking that the active members didn't give their location. That's what I'm seeing. That you're bothered that those that didn't locate themselves didn't do that.
  3. Still feeling being despite getting stuff done for the family vacation. There's stuff that's gonna be "last minute".
  4. I've had that thought as well. Yet I can't just up and leave my kitties.
  5. I wanna reactivate my factor 75 account, but it's gonna have to wait until I'm back from vacation and I get money going again into the checking account. Factor's akin to hello fresh to having food being shipped to your house. The difference is that with Factor, the meals come already cooked and put together. You microwave it for two minutes. Hello fresh is you do all the prep, cook, clean up.
  6. Plus a save data transfer between consoles worked. Now I can go about and play with little to no issues.
  7. Balling up yarn I bought today while watching Walking Dead. Should figure out what to watch next after I finish the season.
  8. I figured it out. Transfer from old sd to laptop. Transfter from laptop to new sd. Hopefully it'll work.
  9. Slightly frustrated. Got a new sd card for the switch since the one from the lite won't work. Trying to transfer data from the old to the new and the laptop won't recognize the new.
  10. Also get a new micro sd card for the new switch as I'd have to format the one I have in the switch lite that I have.
  11. Running out to get some yarn to start working on baby blankets for inventory. Those, cat/small dog beds are gonna take more time/yarn/money to make.
  12. Whatever works for people to get over their trauma. The last season for sure was a shitshow for GoT. I heard that the show runners (I think) were offered a role with Star Wars based on based seasons. They obviously didn't get it.
  13. Sorry that happened to Joe. I've never read the comics and knew that the show deviated from the source material; especially with what happened to Carl at the end. The producers did Chandler dirty. I've enjoyed it so far. And that happened with GoT from what I heard in seasons 7 and 8. 8 was a clusterfuck.
  14. Binging the last couple seasons of Walking Dead. Figured I owed my dad that much since he, my youngest sister, and I would watch it when it aired. Eventually I'll watch the spin offs.
  15. Good. Had a therapy session after a few weeks (she was in training the past few weeks, so didn't have a session), dropped some stuff off at the mother's for the yard sale in a few weeks, gassed up the car, got a full sized switch (after a few years of having the lite), mowed the lawn, and since then been typing up the novel for editing. Nearly done with the typing.
  16. Relaxing after a long day and ready to type up more of the novel.
  17. I know the feeling. I was doing yardwork last week, lost a fight with poison ivy Monday, and went into the er at 230ish Tuesday, came home for some sleep. Did more work, scheduled a follow up dr visit for that Friday, manage to reschedule for Wednesday. All the while still doing house/yard work being like 'when did it happen?"
  18. It happens; we see time pass all the time but it doesn't always click.
  19. I know. You've also been busy with your own live and business, so it's easy to forget.
  20. Feeling a lot better mentally now that I'm out of retail and back in a kitchen. Generally retail isn't all that bad; mostly management.
  21. Right around six months; yeah Mid November to June 9th. I started back in the kitchen on the 11th.
  22. I'm doing a lot better being back in the kithchen than I was ever doing in retail.
  23. Cooking lunch for tomorrow's work day. I'm liking being back in the kitchen compared to the six months in retail.
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