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Everything posted by NocteSpiritus

  1. Yeah, a few weeks ago. I don't know how true it is this time around.
  2. Debating on if I wanna reactivate my factor account.
  3. Heard its more smoke from the Canadian fires.
  4. Watching "Walking Dead". I've let it lapse the past few years it was on. Me, dad, and the sister would watch it.
  5. Secret Invation on Disney plus. Hoping to finish it before the thunderstorm rolls through and (hoping not) knocks power out.
  6. Glad it was taken care off before too long. The insurance for the sister is still doing that with one or two of her meds. One of her doctors (her endo I think) has been nice enough to keep providing scripts for that med.
  7. Typing up the first draft of the novel. It'll take a few days.
  8. Awesome. Dealing with the insurance and pharmacies (mainly insurance) is how my youngest sister got so sick back in January. Basically the sister had cancer when she was nine (she's cancer free now), she had gotten tired of dealing with the insurance saying she didn't need the meds she needs to survive. An upper respitory infection turned into a case of lateral pnuemonia that sent her into the ICU for a week starting Jan 9. She's been with the mother since being discharged Jan 21
  9. Enjoying a day of relaxing. Guess I need it.
  10. Crocheting the second of a dragonscale fingerless glove while debating on what to eat. Working my way through the yarn for the hats/gloves then move over to animugrui and kill my scrap yarn.
  11. Surprised how much I got done in the past week due to no work. Despite getting poison ivy and not getting a full night sleep due to waking due to the itching. I'm getting better.
  12. Thanks. I was pulling plants/leaves the other day and apparently I pulled some poison ivy. I have pictures for a timeline.
  13. And ready for bed. Did the day on five and a half hours of sleep.
  14. Better now that I got the swelling down in my eye. I lost a fight with some poison ivy. Eye sight wasn't effected.
  15. And gotta deal with poison ivy for a couple weeks. Hopefully. Woke at 2am with a swollen eye, but could still see and get to the ER. I'm fine; got meds/steroids to deal with the swelling for a week.
  16. Gap years usually happen in Europe to my understanding. And it happens after graduating secondary (high school) school before going to college/university.
  17. Good that he's going. And he will be. Sure, my summer after high school was relaxing. I also had a different life and upbringing than the Monichichi's.
  18. That's good. My mom didn't allow me to take a gap year. I had the summer then a couple years at community college. I would love to go back. Eventually.
  19. Thinking I should reactivate my factor 75 at the end of the week.
  20. Thinking I should be going through my clothes to sell in a garage sale/donate. Or go through the desks in the office. Knock off something else on my to do list over than the flower beds.
  21. Woke up with a headache. Not sure what faused it.
  22. Trying to hydrate. Think I woke up with another headache from being dehydrate.
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