One of things I'd do if I won the lottery would be to buy a large piece of property (5 acres or more), have a house custom built.. and live off the grid as much as possible. Wind power, greenhouse for vegetables, etc. and buy a cow and a pig every year (split with another family) for butchering and fill the freezer(s).
My fur family consists of 3 cats. Zoe, a/k/a Zoefoo, Fat Foo, FooGirl, and assorted other names. She's a 10-1/2 year old pastel tabby and weighs about 25 lbs (hence the "Fat Foo"). Barney, a 5 year old lunatic in a cat-shaped body. And Cherry, short for Cherished Treasure. A 5 lb purebred Himalayan that is 3 lbs hair and 2 lbs mouth. She's literally saved my life during severe blood sugar crashes. She is losing weight like crazy, and I'm so afraid I'm going to lose her... she's the best kitty ever.