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Everything posted by BadKitty

  1. I'm about to unload groceries (as soon as the delivery gets here)
  2. Watching the people on the Zoom call for the Gathering
  3. I should be drinking more water, but I'm on the Gathering and don't want to get up
  4. I'm about to submit the grocery list for delivery tomorrow.
  5. I'm on The Gathering zoom call and also making my grocery list AND posting here
  6. I'm thinking that my feet really hurt... swollen. Sigh.
  7. I would like a card... and I'm actually on the Zoom call now <3
  8. I had needles stuck in my eye on Tuesday again... creepy and traumatic, and I'm glad it's over. But I'm still tired and stressed out. I found out my husband has been using drugs on average of at least once or twice a week... I knew it, but couldn't prove it. He hit his rock bottom on Saturday (at least that's what he says) so I'm stressed from that too. I'm overloaded.
  9. Hope you're ok. I'm feeling sleepy. I'll probably go to bed soon.
  10. Zoom video of various participants in the Gathering!
  11. Right now I'm listening to the Gathering zoom call
  12. Well, you don't need special workout clothes and it won't make you sweat LOL
  13. I'm feeling very glad that tomorrow is Friday
  14. That would have been my PMS dream LOL Right now, I'm not eating anything... but I'm contemplating if I want to bother with dinner.
  15. Bottle of water (Kroger purified drinking water, to be specific)
  16. I'm feeling tired and overwhelmed, coupled with irritated. We had the monumental disaster (vehicle expense, followed by major unexpected repair). Work is one crisis after another, and the boss insists anything that goes out the door MUST be approved by her, and bitches constantly about communication but SHE is the one who won't answer emails/text messages/phone calls... and then wonders why things are late. I need a vacation I'll never be able to take.
  17. One of things I'd do if I won the lottery would be to buy a large piece of property (5 acres or more), have a house custom built.. and live off the grid as much as possible. Wind power, greenhouse for vegetables, etc. and buy a cow and a pig every year (split with another family) for butchering and fill the freezer(s). My fur family consists of 3 cats. Zoe, a/k/a Zoefoo, Fat Foo, FooGirl, and assorted other names. She's a 10-1/2 year old pastel tabby and weighs about 25 lbs (hence the "Fat Foo"). Barney, a 5 year old lunatic in a cat-shaped body. And Cherry, short for Cherished Treasure. A 5 lb purebred Himalayan that is 3 lbs hair and 2 lbs mouth. She's literally saved my life during severe blood sugar crashes. She is losing weight like crazy, and I'm so afraid I'm going to lose her... she's the best kitty ever.
  18. Right now, silence. A very nice change.
  19. So sad... my cats constantly have fleas that we can never quite get rid of (hazards of living where we do). But I only use the topical Advantage II for cats, and Capstar when I can afford it. Flea collars always strike me as a bad idea.
  20. There's a lot I SHOULD be doing. Unloading the dishwasher, making real food. I'm not going to do either one. I don't feel like it.
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