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fu**edUP@NA last won the day on August 24 2023

fu**edUP@NA had the most liked content!

About fu**edUP@NA

  • Birthday December 27

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  • Gender
  • Relationship Status
    Single - not looking
  • Location
  • Interests
    killin, dead people, making money.
  • Referred To DGN By:
    the admin

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  1. Trying to think of a concept for an avatar to fit my name on this board. Having seen the friendly atmosphere after creating my account I'm starting a downward spiral of regret at creating something of an oxymoron (intentionally). SMH. If anyone asks my name means I made a mistake @ Not Applicable
  2. Thanks for the welcome! From Minneapolis Nord East neighborhood. Currently residing on the Eastern boarder of ND. I'm a man. I work in various fields. Predominantly construction, but odd jobs as of late due to my employment network and higher education being temporarily paused until relocation. I have no children and have been single for two years. Hobbies are: Webdesign, graphic design, street life, reinventing everything within my capabilities to either mock or fine tune A.K.A. simply. I'll include that my passions are silence, humour, and righteousness. I found detroitgothic earlier today while I was slightly under the influence (hence the name), so I don't confidently remember how I stumbled upon this site. Although if I had to make a guess I'd say it was the interesting title of your forum that gained my interest. Along with the inactivity, and devolution of the communities of the forums I 'frequent' I was at a loss for inhuman social time-killing. I like your boards style. It fits. It's easy on the eyes in the dark hours, and I haven't noticed any conflicting design flaws. Also your implication of an Android UI is the best I've seen. Kudos.
  3. nudes without penis, preferably with my name in them.
  4. I'd prefer a wife but i'd be willing to go with a pet.
  5. Love= The catagory for those who are involved in prostitution (in which ever degree and form). Id argue: Hypothesis = Direct is a harsher but more rewarding truth. 😕 for my use of "="
  6. Howdy, I'm Devin, and I'm addicted to errthang.
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