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Everything posted by WhiteLines

  1. Thank you, that's just what I've been up to even though it's a cold lonely new world. I have survived.
  2. Cold alone and betrayed. The beer is only working on the cold though.
  3. What was left of my life fell apart and I'm stuck in rural southern Ohio. I suddenly have plenty of money at least, but I'm not sure what to think about all the people that stabbed me in the back to get me here. Should I be thanking them?!
  4. Go home sober. I left this bar a week ago and wrecked bad.
  5. Wearing Realtree camouflage shirt and drinking a beer in a redneck bar. I've been left for dead in the northern foothills of the Appalachian mountains.
  6. I think my birthday turned out awesome despite everything that could bring it down. A friend down here in Ohio invited me to their b-day party then we found out our birthdays are the same day. Crazy weird and I'm havin' a good time.
  7. Found out the company I work for has no more jobs going out for some time and I'm laid off for a long while. Think it seems all I have to say is sucky all the time anymore. I'm just gonna shut up for a while and expect it to be better one day.
  8. Using up the last of the wifi connection before I leave here and disappear from the internet to return to being an average workaholic.
  9. Well I never got drunk at all but we mutually decided to break up again. Tired of repeating this cycle. Think I'm gonna go home and rethink my life.
  10. Depressed. Tough shit knowing the person you love doesn't love you anymore. Same as all the last times we split, in the end I'm just being used for my wallet and cleaning her filthy house that she refuses to work on. It's a hurting thing to be losing a relationship that spanned so many years but i can see things wont ever change.
  11. I'm about to go out to the bar with my gf. I've planned on getting drunk as hell.
  12. About to drive Ang to an Ulta Beauty store... I built these stores all year long ow I gotta take somebody to shop in one. I'm sure I'll spend all my time meticulously examining the cabinets, millwork, seams, and fixtures.
  13. About to continue sitting here and smoke way to many cigarettes, bored and locked into deep thought.
  14. After a week of filling myself with strong painkillers and nerve pills, I think it hasn't done much to ease my problems. It just temporarily removes them from my thoughts.
  15. Im staring at the snow, taking some percocet and xanax, and waiting for the world outside to go away.
  16. I feel like now matter how many times I get back together with my gf the relationship only has about a 6 month life expectancy. And that's about how much time has passed by now.
  17. Wondering if I should end things and go on about my way.
  18. Oh my gosh... I been away a lot longer than I thought.
  19. Trying to make the best out of another disappointing day in a long chain of disappointing days I've tried to me the best of... at least I have wifi for a short time.
  20. It's too cold in North Carolina, this is bull. Two more weeks of this.
  21. Go back over to my widowed mothers house without internet and stare at the walls til I go insane. Or more insane than I already am actually. Oh, the madness. The horror, the horror.
  22. I feel like I made a huge mistake leaving Michigan to come back down to Ohio for a while. Especially since I left in the midst of that bad winter storm and wrecked my car twice on the way down here. Shoulda just stayed put.
  23. Being stuck in rural southern Ohio again where all the places that has free wifi are so pathetically slow that I can't even stream video or music. I'm so annoyed with it.
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