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Everything posted by WhiteLines

  1. I wish that i was an emoticon, they look like they have such simple lives.
  2. I think i'm a dead body trapped inside of a living one.
  3. Dang, what am i still doing in this town?
  4. think i'll be moving on along here soon. it is time for me to go away.
  5. I feel like i am on a bus full of heroin junkies, crackheads, and mentally handicapped people... oh wait, i am on a bus with all those people. shit.
  6. Think i'll be in a much better mood once UPS brings my package tomorrow.
  7. it sounds like "voodoo people" by Liam Howlett or the prodigy, i had to look it up on the internet to find out the title, but i remember hearing it a long time ago on a soundtrack somewhere.
  8. I am dreading walking all the way acrossed Port Huron to buy groceries and carry them back home... wish i had a drivers license... or a rocketship.
  9. i feel brainwashed, or brainless... one of the two.
  10. That's the exact same thing i was thinking. Someone is stealing my thoughts! I'm going to go wrap my head in tin foil.
  11. i feel tired of explaining things for dumb people (or to be more specific, a dumb person)
  12. I think i want to go back to Goodwill and buy the TV made out of clear plastic that i found.
  13. Interesting article but not news to me. I have been to peoples homes that were only tin sheds with a dirt floor and an extention cord going to it from a nearby trailer to provide electricity for a lamp and a space heater. Hell, I even once lived in a broke down dodge camper that sat in a junk yard covered in plastic wrap and heated by space heater (but it did have a telephone and satelite tv for a while) ...couple of years later i had a 3 story townhouse in Muskegon, but now once again I'm back to having almost nothing. The lower class is the biggest growing sector of america it seems... mainly because once you get there its impossible to get back out of it.
  14. I thought it was fur that's murder, but then again what's not murder these days... hell, just waking up in the morning is murder for me. If everything is murder though, I'm just gonna go slice up a PETA member and eat them...
  15. Yup, and in a year from now they'll tell us fruits and vegetables are the cause of the flu... followed by another scientific report a year after which will state that fruits and vegetables are the solution to global warming. I don't eat any fresh fruits/vegetables though... I get everything I need from eating absurd amounts of ketchup, its probably the only reason I don't have cancer.
  16. Thinking about going to the laundrymat...
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