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Everything posted by WhiteLines

  1. I wish i had teleportation. regular travel sucks sticky balls.
  2. Oh, holy crap... i can't believe i just passed out into a deep sleep all afternoon. such strange dreams tho.
  3. Bought a black/grey fur vest for $0.99 at a goodwill.
  4. black Fubu jeans with a cargo pocket on the left leg, a black jack daniels t-shirt, and my regulars ( a dozen or so black plastic braclets, skeleton key on a chain collar, and glasses)
  5. I feel desperate to get ahold of a credit card somehow and order the quasi-gun holster vest lookin thing i found online before they're gone... Damn you cruel money gods. Desperation ghrrrr... i should hold up a liquor store, and then throw it at a bank. Ahhhrgh.
  6. Ha ha ha Needle Sharing, heheh. I've seen some people 'needle sharing' before, but I totally wasn't interested in that stuff. Maybe it's a cool band though... unusual name. I loves me some Imminent Starvation however, I've heard it and thats some good stuff. Thanks for the additional suggestions. And thanks to all so far, both DJs and none DJs alike.
  7. Yup, its getting to where you can't find a damned thing offline anymore.
  8. Yeah, now thats a list and a half... and i do have a good collection of Aphex Twin and richard d james related stuff (and it does depend on the track) i also used to listen to Wumpscut and Download back in the day. Recently i have gotten into a bit of winterkalte, iszoloscope, suicide commando, and terrorfakt... i also picked up on listening to some Xanopticon which i like rather well. It seems though that being in the gutter for a whole decade left me with a lot of music to catch up on, thanks for the heavy list... and thanks for all the suggestions everyone. If anybody's got more to reccomend, i'm always listening.
  9. Dancing? We no need no stinking dancing! Naw serious though, I don't dance. I do like some of the harsh EBM-ish stuff that seems oriented to it, but being as i don't dance i guess i am missing some aspect there that makes it appeal to others because some of it is lost on me. However, i do enjoy some types of music that could only be danced to by a jellyfish who's been given a gram of speed and is in a fish tank that someone has thrown a toaster and three strobe lights into...
  10. I feel the burning desire to have some credit cards... Although giving a credit card to me is probably just as bad as giving heroin to me.
  11. Yeah, i enjoy a good bit of Merzbow every now and again... although i can't remember where and when i came acrossed it first. Its certainly not something one can listen to all of the time though, but it is some good shiznit.
  12. Dr. Animal Cannibal Coffee
  13. I wish i could sleeeepphbffhgp. SNAFU!
  14. I have not been keeping up on what new happenings have gone on in the last ten years in the umbrella of industrial-ish music, due to lack of having internet and other things that kept me occupied. Anyhow after spending many years listening to the same things as i did in 1999, i have ventured back out into the public to refreshen my palette and wondered what you (anyone) would suggest in the area of industrial, rythmic noise and/or power electronics type of artists to take a listen to... or any other nice harsh shit i may have missed out on. I realize a bit has changed in what industrial music is since then, but i also dig some harsh/rythmic noise, glitch-core type stuff, and just staight up noise as well. So whats new in noise? what is strange and out there nowadays? what are your suggestions, help bring me into the 21st century...
  15. i feel like i'm in the wrong place at the wrong time.
  16. deleted files, a sandwich, quiet house, sleeping while the sun was out and waking up at night.
  17. I'm gonna start collecting insults.
  18. This sounds like a swell idea, and it being private by invitation only at first would probably build a loyal core audience that would keep coming back. Being there by private invite would give someone a feeling of having a personal connection to the place, and thats all good... you want to make the place something that stands out against what else is out there. It sounds cool.
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