I have not been keeping up on what new happenings have gone on in the last ten years in the umbrella of industrial-ish music, due to lack of having internet and other things that kept me occupied.
Anyhow after spending many years listening to the same things as i did in 1999, i have ventured back out into the public to refreshen my palette and wondered what you (anyone) would suggest in the area of industrial, rythmic noise and/or power electronics type of artists to take a listen to... or any other nice harsh shit i may have missed out on.
I realize a bit has changed in what industrial music is since then, but i also dig some harsh/rythmic noise, glitch-core type stuff, and just staight up noise as well.
So whats new in noise? what is strange and out there nowadays? what are your suggestions, help bring me into the 21st century...