Ghetto-goth, that sounds like what my style is. ghetto from the waste down, goth and fascist military from the waste up, ...oh, and lesbian punkrocker for my shoes:
i wear a lot of Ecko jeans and such for pants (not sagged tho, yuck) ...still dig wearin' the old baggy kikwear and all that once in awhile; usually black t-shirts with black button up longsleeve shirts over 'em from Lip Service and such, almost always got sleeves or fishnet shirts and a chain collar with a skeleton key on it; and for boots, its generally doc martens, vietnam jungle boots, or police issue combat jump boots... i hate white socks, and love black tattoos.
... so i dont know what to call it, maybe: police state rivet-macabre G, or: gothug? (goth+thug) ...i don't know why i wear what i wear, or what its called... hell sometimes i just wear slacks and a blazer, i dont have any fashion sense... i wore a trashbag once as a raincoat.