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Everything posted by WhiteLines
Sitting in my truck in a bowling alley parking lot weighing a difficult life path decision, knowing full well what hellfire it would unleash upon me... and would that hellfire be any worse than this hellfire. I need to figure out which hellfire can be gone thru with greater ease. Hellfire's hellfire either way right?
On my way back twowards Detroit again after a very failed weekend
We are a very high dollar classy kind of gig now. Did I say classy?... I meant "trashy" and I still do hardcore parkour anywhere and everywhere in the jobsite regardless of the obscenely high pay rate I was given to finally bring my ass over to Governor Jimmy G. Hoops Esquire's premier platinum level playground for prominent primitive pricks who know how to build crap out of just about anything for the right price. Speaking of Señor Jimmy Hoops, i wonder if they call those ears gauged, or is it gouged... I think it's definitely called gouged, i believe thats the technical term. Did he just strut up to a mall piercing pagoda many years ago and say "Hello my good sir, I would like to have my ears gouged plumb the hell out today... and would you by chance be able to mount a matching pair of fine china dinner plates in each of my lobes afterwards?" I've often wondered because, well when we had last seen each other many years ago I don't think I remember his earlobes hanging down passed his nipples. Often now I stand several feet away when he is speaking to someone and then slowly extend my tape measure out trying to balance it and pass it through one of the hula hoops he uses as earrings... its just another one of the various little things i randomly do in a days time in the pursuit of my own entertainment, ways to keep a grip on that very slim bit of sanity remaining with me lol. Hopefully this editorial has now been able to pass some of that entertainment along to all of you. Are you not entertained? Doesn't matter anyway, I'm entertained, go find your own then lol.
I hear that Vitamin C is the bee's knees for the boosting your fuel economy during some trips which get taken to psychedelic destinations or something whatever like... What? Hello. Good-bye.
And if anyone is wondering, I'd love to eat a meatloaf right now. Jesus crap, why'd you have toake a post about Meatloaf right now lol? I'm freakin' starvin' o'er here.
Lol, yes at the time I was blissfully unaware but over the next few years after I gained a self education on the connection between sleep/life and sleep/death. Fortunately corpses such as myself are rarely concerned with life, death, rebirth, whatever, etc...
Very mμ†ha'fμ¢k!ⁿ' awesome stuff. Er'body around me's always yabberin' on about how I aughta do something like that, make a site for my various work or try to side hustle that $h!†, but really most my work is trap-house gutter nonsense lol. Your work's very classy yo.
Bout to stay awake for 3 more hours til it's time for us to head into work and try to keep my $h!t straight long enough for the day to end. The Juan and Stefan Show Reunion Tour 2023... Did I ever mention I tracked down Juan and got him hired into this way more bad ass company I'm under now. Juan's part of the crew I run now since I came out of my 4-5 year retirement from being a foreman... Jesus fμ¢X!ⁿ $h!†... I'm tired as hell.
I once stayed awake for 3½ weeks. It was great. I think.
Let it be known that no one can acta'fool in just any damn place at any time, no matter the occasion, the way that WhiteLines' can actuh'mofo-fool... But only when I fμ¢k!ⁿ' feel like it (that establishes plausible deniability for me on the occasion I first met Scary Guy lol, he no doubt was confused to have encountered me while I was in my silent and reserved sub-sociable background ghost ninja demeanor lmao, that had been a rough day up to that point all things considered tho) Why am I not in a padded room yet? Do we have one of those here on the forum?... Lock me up in solitary already geeze.
Here's my official 1st day back at the jobsite pic after my week or so emergency crisis management leave of absence... We found the busted rubber kids toy in the parking lot... Matched my shirt, so... Voilá, color coordinated hi-visibility construction site color hat & shirt. I know right, I'm so gawddanmed stylish that it's hard to believe I live in tha mofo gutter y'all.
Wooooweee, I had such a freakin' hard time tryin' to make sense outta wtf was goin' on with uploading photos right way back when lmfao haha, ya remember all dat sh!† right Tron? Lol. It was like I had two left feet and was tryin' to use them to mash buttons on the keyboard and make pics go where I wanted um to. Hahaha, backwoods ass hell/hill-billy on the daggone interwebz o'er here y'all.
Make Tha Trap Great Again!
I'm sure somebody's got some here somewhere, actually if I recall, I recently hired a guy for just that. Too bad I taint all his positivity with my cynicism and leave it at least 50 to 75% tainted on average hahahaha, taint. LOL the delirium sleep deprivation times have now arrived weee wooo wee woo, please ignore me everyone. Wtf?! Why am I even typing still ...
Thanx fo' tha congrats, but all is an illusion. There exists no stability anywhere near me, so shall it be for all the days that I walk the earth... Lol, but I appreciate tha positive vibes, and I'll send um right back at ya... *transmitting positivity* *... ... ...* *transmission failed... insufficient positivity* Fμ¢k sunovawitch, well I tried okay lol.
It was that we was haulin' this big gawd damned 1998 Sierra 2500 with a 454 cubic inch big block V-8 from Iowa on a trailer meant to fit a Ford Pinto sized vehicle lmfao, many years ago, also while i had just had a mild to moderate stoke on that jobsite which I continued to working right thru, but this was one of the longest most outlaw, backwoods, dumpsterfire, death defying hauls I ever remember making across the United States. Hilarious story... Y'all's "what are they hauling" thread here just made me think of it lmao.
I think the final verdict issued today decrees that I am to now remain a quasi-semi-permanent-ish resident of the Rochester Hills Michigan area and will now be the supervisor overseeing the remainder of the current remodel we've been on here. Meanwhile the El Presidenté, Señor Jimmy Hoops will take the bulk of our workforce and forge a path west to Utah and run the 7 week Ulta remodel there. Holy crap it's like Holland, MI last year but like on opposite day or some shit.
Shit I got so t-totally busy, stressed, jackknifed, ghostbustered and cluckerfusted this past week I forgot all bout this damn thread here. Hold up a min y'all...
Pictures That Describe How You Feel
WhiteLines replied to phee's topic in Pictures, Photography and Art
Driving back towards Detroit after a rough, rough, very rough week at the homestead. Did I mention it was rough, yes it was.
What made your day?
WhiteLines replied to Rev.Reverence's topic in Relationships, Pets & Domestic Homelife
Yeah I reckon looking at the bright side of it all... if such a side is rumored to even exist here... But if so, then it would be that at the very least I seemed to have been able to pass on some my rebellious spirit, morbid sense of humor and artistic influence in one way or another to my offspring lol. -
Pictures That Describe How You Feel
WhiteLines replied to phee's topic in Pictures, Photography and Art
Reacquainting myself with consciousness after having slept for over more than a full day.
What made your day?
WhiteLines replied to Rev.Reverence's topic in Relationships, Pets & Domestic Homelife
Lilith is the local reigning champion for shit that makes my day. The other day when we was done taking my mom to her Dr. appts at OSU Medical, I took the kids to this bad ass consignment/thrift store I always used to go to 20 years ago when I was in art college. Anyway the thing Lilith picked she absolutely had to have me buy her was this crazy metallic iridescent lookin' pink-ish police state hat which looks like it came from another universe where Jojo Siwa is running some sorta dystopian dictatorship lol. I'm so proud of my weird daughter sometimes.