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Everything posted by WhiteLines

  1. I gotta say that Phee's "drive-by knifings" had a good ring to it- LMFAO -thank you for that one! But secondly i'd like to mention that Spook had some very good points earlier about this being an issue of the interpretation and application of constitutional law just as much as or even more so than its about guns, and his post has some very valid points on the subject. On the other hand however, the whole gun thing has brought forth some hilarious comments out there in this thread. I give my thanks to all those out there who made a funny :D
  2. I'm about to go back to sleep, it seems i dozed off sitting here with my cellphone while stll logged into DGN... whoops! X_x -Zzzzz...
  3. Ouch, i burned my lap with the coffee! hot hot hot
  4. Absolutely, thanks Raev, you are certainly correct. I have grown up in similar conditions and believe that having a proper respect for firearms and making sure to be educated correctly and educate those in the home is of great importance. A gun is only an inanimate object though, and it doesnt have the power to make someone into a violent person. Violent nature is influenced by an individuals upbringing, their personality, and beliefs... the individual who interacts with the firearm is the key part in making it more or less dangerous, an ignorant person will no doubt be more likely to be dangerous. ... i'm also an assault rifle owner and they are something that not anyone can just go and pick up with ease. The laws are strict, and i actually have mine stored in southern ohio as i did not want to move it over state lines when i came to michigan some years ago.
  5. I've lived over here for a year but never been to City. I think i've gotten a ride there this weekend tho, so i'll plan on being there... it sounds like a good time.
  6. Its gonna be harder to have seat belt enforcement stops and drunk driving checkpoints in the mid air.
  7. The last bits of cartlidge that are holding my kneecap together in one peice made my day.
  8. Yummy!... Chewy!... Tasty!... BACON!!!
  9. I feel much better now that i drank my daily tiny plastic cup of pinkish-red liquid. hoo-ray!
  10. Black combat boots, dark grey Ecko jeans with silver damask style pattern stitched down the length of the left leg, tight longsleeve black fishnet shirt with a looser black mesh fishnet shirt over that, a white t shirt w/ splattered red designs and black japanesse writting on it, pair of poizen indusries sleeves with rows of metal buckles on em, and my traditional skeleton key on a chain collar... i like to wear layers.
  11. I think... uh yeah, what he said.
  12. I think its getting quiet out there... time for me to take a nap i guess.
  13. I dont believe it is the product itself that breeds violent ideals, but it is violence itself. If you live in an enviroment where you are subjected to violent acts and violent nature (whether it involves a gun or not) then you will learn that violence and be more likely to engage in it, whether you engage in violence using a gun, a knife, or a happy meal toy. Being in an enviroment where there is a gun simply will not make you violent, you could just as easily grow to have a fear of and/or respect for guns and go on even to have no desire to be around them at all. You are correct though about the fact that it will increase the likelyhood of a gun accident when not stored properly, and when members of that household do not have a clear understanding and respect for how dangerous a thing it is. (as i had mentioned, a firearm is nothing to be taken lightly) However there are many things in american homes that can cause similar child deaths, from poison chemicals to chainsaws, and even electrical outlets... children will often be curious about the mystique of dangerous things and when parents themselves are not responsible in the storage of these things, educating children of their dangers, and most importantly actually supervising their children, then accidents will occur and that is something quite sad but something that is more the fault of the gun owner than the gun itself (or the owner of the chainsaw) As for the fast food, should it be taken away because some people cannot handle having that temptation in their life? Surely this is not a good reason to deprive everyone of it. And what of automobiles which cause far more fatalities. I cannot deny that far too many people want to brandish their guns with ignorance, but an intelligent gun owner should not be deprived due to the stupidity of another gun owner. It comes down to individuals and just like opinions differ so do peoples actions. Nothing is ever absolutely one way or another... every household with a gun will not produce violent little psychos, just like every family that eats fast food will have a 400 pound patient needing a triple bypass- it comes down to choices made by the individual and that is why we must strive to make sensible choices and encourage others as well. After all not everyone in the world has the common sense and will power that you or i may have (well, maybe not me so much) But the thing i'm trying to say is violence, gluttony, greed and so forth have been around since long before we had technology to aid in their pursuit and theyll always be around, with or without guns, mcdonalds, and chainsaws... but we as individuals should look to make the right decissions involving the base instincts that are involved. case in point, look at crimes of passion... in the heat of the moment a person doesnt go upstairs and get their gun because the gun is clean and easy to use, no... in a fit of animal anger and adrenaline they pick up the nearest blunt object and repeatedly pound their opponent into a sloppy joe. If someone becomes overwhelmed with their primative aggression, a weapon can be found in the most unlikely places. And as for americans building scrap guns... well i've handled some nicely made fully automatic rifles the irish republican army once made from plumbing pipes and spare bits. If theres a need or desire, there are many that could and would take the time to make it. not every american is a lazy drooling couch potato and where theres a will theres a way. Sorry i believe i might have lost my train of thought somewhere around the middle of that, anyways i certainly mean no disrespect and hope it doest come acrossed that way, tho your opinion may differ from my own its still valuable. after all the spice of life is individual freedom of thought and beleif, as well as the exchange of ideas. Well, thats my rant and i'm stickin to it.
  14. The very scary thing is that it was only a 5 to 4 decission, 5 TO 4! thats too close for comfort when it comes down to something this vital to all of our freedoms as before mentioned, its practically the edge of the razor and if the balance had been tipped the other way, we could have all ended up getting badly cut. 5/4 is a frighteningly close balance between upholding the constitution, or on the other hand, making an opening for very dangerous changes within the nation. And as fore mentioned, the gun issue itself can be a catalyst here and most people arent looking at broader possible applications that these types of changes could have opened up, they are just thinking guns = good or guns = bad :( ...Agreed, it is a damned good thing at least the slim majority had there head screwed on correctly, that was a darn good point.
  15. i'm concerned that my life already went nowhere and can't go back to being somewhere.
  16. Damn, i thought that woman hadn't seen me - i should be more careful when walking down the road at night.
  17. ...you mean guns? because people were already able to carry them before... of course as far as leathal weapons go, i could make damned near anything i wanted to into a leathal weapon... or i could also just carry a copy of the movie "Leathal Weapon" starring Mel Gibson and Danny Glover... allthough i have never carried a weapon around by my dick, i guess i could also make it into a leathal weapon if the need were to arise. People are going to continue killing each other for good or ill, whether there are guns to be had or not. It is a shame that man has always found more efficient means of killing, but these things are a pandora's box that once opened cant be undone... even if guns were total abolished i could still build a crude firearm from scrap junk. Just like problem of nuclear weapons, now that people know how to make them, they will make 'em and even if our country were to rid itself of these weapons - others would still have and seek to have these devastating devices of war. The big thing is that in a world with so many leathal killing machines about the place, we as individuals have to practice some common sense in the ownership of such devices... personally i dont even keep my guns here with me, they are safely stored a few hundred miles south of here... besides if i were to need a leathal weapon it doesnt have to be a gun, like i mentioned... anything can become a leathal weapon in hands of someone with the intent to do damage. The moral, i guess is that guns are out there, but knowing their capability, those who have guns or should show restraint and common sense, a gun isnt a thing to be taken lightly and should certainly be a last resort. Life isnt cheap and the gun's ability to dispose of life in such an instant way is something very serious, guns should be treated with equal seriousness not brandished about like a toy by bruts and gangbanga's who would use it for dishonest purposes but it should be handled with respect and an understanding for its serious nature. Guns have been with us for hundreds of years now and they arent going away any time soon, and so we must live alongside this technology in an intelligent way and not be led by temptation to use it for the wrong reasons. ...guns dont kill people, stupid people with guns do ok my rant is over, sorry everyone.
  18. Surgeon Generals Warning: smoking radioactive space crack may cause birth defects.
  19. He had a face that only a mother could love, and a body that, well... perhaps some things are better left unsaid.
  20. Oops, i'm sorry... i think? But it would look cool tho.
  21. Sex in space sounds like it could be complicated and a bit messy perhaps... But i guess NASA would be able to add a whole new wealth of information to the Kama Sutra. But then again by the looks of it, ancient peoples of India might have had some zero gravity enviroment experience themselves.
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