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Everything posted by WhiteLines

  1. Actually i wasnt my age now, it was five years ago when i was 24 that i had a stroke, mild one. i still slur my speach (and my typing) from time to time... I was born with a bad timepiece ticking in me.
  2. Yes, for my age i've allready had one as well as a T.I.A. (transiscemic attack [ dont know if i spelled that right]) i'm notorious for refusing medical treatment tho... i equally dislike all medical facilities i guess.
  3. That is the biggest problem aint it, even if guns were totally illegal acrossed the board, criminals would still find a way to get them and honest law abiding citizens would be the ones without a firearm. even nowadays its against the law for felons to own hand guns ...but they still have em anyhow. black market arms would certainly F up the whole idea of a ban on handguns.
  4. What?! which one?...so i know to stay the heck away from it.
  5. Seems like everybody's getting aggrivated at the same time here.
  6. I think this is a good thing... besides, disarming the nations citizens will only open up all new problems later on down the line. If they want it, they can pry my gun from my cold dead hand.
  7. My face... it should be banned from public places, i got a face that is the devils work. By law i should have to wear a gasmask in public.
  8. Ive always thought a cool hair cut for the ladies is them ones where its cut at and angle and comes down to sharp points thats longer in the front than the back, or just way longer bangs than the rest. i cant describe it no better than that.
  9. I had really long hair for years and years sometimes with the sides shaved off like a long floppy mohawk then in '05 i suddenly shaved my head. i found it to be the most liberating haircut of all - no maintanance whatsoever, i never grew my hair out again. (the shaved melon look def aint for everybody tho, i reckon)
  10. I feel annoyed wirh being surrounded by idiots... and next to an idiot.
  11. Dark City was the last movie i watched, i've seen it several times over the years and its a pretty good flick.
  12. Theres no need to air out all these hostilities in touchdown jesus' name. i'm sure that touchdown jesus would have just wanted us all to live amongst one another peacefully and set aside our differences. Of course there are some who would say there never was a touchdown jesus, they may say how convenient it is that touchdown jesus burned down and there is no proof now that touchdown jesus existed at all. but we are all forgetting touchdown jesus' most important message: never stand outside waving your arms around in a lightning storm.
  13. Yeah, i agree with that... walking 3 miles in a rainstorm that cleared up soon as i got home ruined my day. Damned nature, what a bitch.
  14. Side effects may include: explosive vomiting, rotating head, greenish coloring of the skin. if you experience any of these side effects contact you medical care provider. Do not take this product if you are currently taking anything containing holy water.
  15. Wet. i been ouside walking in a rainstorm. then (of course) it stops raining soon as i get to my house.
  16. Yeah baby... it certainly does say something for the 69th post but you have to be watching because it changes rite back to what it was before once you post # 70. i dont know about the rest of em, im still discovering as i go forward.
  17. theres nothing wrong with that. i think cowboy bebop is cool (is that a guilty pleasure?)
  18. i feel... #1 exhausted... ive been out sincd 11:am and have walked the entire length of the city port huron and fort gratiot... two and a half times. #2 sore as hell... same as above and i need stronger painkillers. ouch.
  19. I told you I was here. (how did you get in?) You invited me, it is not my custom to go where I am not wanted. (who are you...) hahahaha. give me back my phone.
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